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Bristol Coalition Against the War

bristol globalise resistance | 02.10.2001 13:44

Details of anti war movement in Bristol


At a meeting held on 27th September, over 150 people came together to hear speakers from; CND, Bristol Muslim Cultural Association, The Peace Vigil, Globalise Resistance, Socialist Alliance, Campaign to Defend Asylum Seekers, and others.

The meeting resolved to form a Bristol-wide Coalition; to be built as widely as possible, in order to mobilise the thousands in Bristol who do not agree that we must either be with Bush and Blair in their war, or on the side of terrorism.

The meeting spoke of the need to find solutions to the conditions in the Arab and Muslim parts of the world that have driven to people to commit themselves to desperate acts of terrorism, and of the need to counter the "Islamophobia" that has been so much a part of the pro-war rhetoric.

We want to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all the victims of war in the world, and say "An eye for eye makes the whole world blind" - Revenge is not the solution!!
The Peace Vigil goes on:
v Vigils every evening, 5.30 - 6.30 opposite the Hippodrome

v Demonstrate: Saturday, 29th September; Assemble 2pm opposite the Hippodrome; A vigil will also be held later in the day; at 5.30pm, opposite the Hippodrome (400 on the demo!)

v Mobilise for the National Demonstration, 13th October. March for Peace and Justice - called by CND. Assemble 12 noon, Hyde Park, London, for march to Trafalgar Square. Coaches will be organised from Bristol

v The Bristol Coalition Against The War will be holding Open Organising Meetings; every Monday, 7.30pm at Friends Meeting House, River Street, Bristol (near M32/'Office World').

In the event of any air strike or attack; immediate mass assembly at 5.30pm, opposite the Hippodrome
No more victims - for peace and justice
For more information, contact (initially) 07931 227 276

bristol globalise resistance
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