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Police Cameras in Brighton - Pictures

surveillance_state | 02.10.2001 03:42

Just some of the numerous police surveillance cameras in Brighton on Sunday at the Labour Party Conference march. They were out in serious force to film everyone (middle top pic is of some of the black balaclava clad police spotters with binoculars).

Police Cameras in Brighton - Pictures
Police Cameras in Brighton - Pictures



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Police Cameras

02.10.2001 13:52

Police cameras have been used regularly on the Peace Vigil in Bristol and on the 400 strong march through the city on Saturday. We challenged the police on why they were using the cameras and were told that it was 'for our own protection to gather evidence in case you are attacked'! well, if you believe that you'll believe anything. We then decided to request from the police that all our personal images are returned to us (being as that we were not attacked) and to write to the press condemining their use.Always have a camera person on your demos and activities taking pictures of them taking pictures of us. There are more of us than them and we can harass them considerably by doing this.

Bristol Coalition Against the War
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police video

02.10.2001 23:03

the bradford riots were the testing ground for this procedure. a battlefield created and shots of the resultant participants published week after week in the local press. rounding in the dissidents with the help of the local community. this is the way of things in the new world order.

dwight heet

nothing new

03.10.2001 08:45

This is nothing new, hunt sabs, animal rights, football fans, any reclaim the streets action et al,have had this treatment for many years.
Be prepared, not paranoid.

- Homepage:

No not new just stepped up

04.10.2001 12:00

While I agree the filming of demos and protestors is nothing new, the number of cameras in brighton was on another level.


film about filmers

07.10.2001 17:44

I don't see that it is a question of being paranoid
it happened at brighton and some one has put together
a little collage/ article which I think is perfect material
to stick on indymedia. The question is, or should be, what are we going to do about it.
I would suggest a short film about police surviellance methods with as much footage of cops filming as possible and some info regarding how the material is processed and then used against the people featured. As most of them have broken no law and possibly never even been arrested eg they are innocent law abiding citizens. So collecting information about them probably contravenes some human rights treaty.
The anti global movement should investigate the police.


luther blissett