Recruit, Sell! The SWP issues war cry!
Uno | 01.10.2001 21:22
Hey, war has benefits - Recruit, Sell! This SWP statement says it all - now the CND is a recruiting ground.
Uno | 01.10.2001 21:22
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the radical tabloid conciousness
01.10.2001 22:23
the upfront swp presence seems to turn every worthwhile cause to dust.
there is always an affront there to the sun/mail/telegraph bigot while appealing to a small collection of vague lefties and students looking for a home
i know - ive been there myself for brief periods in the dim past
perhaps it is useful to consider that those somewhere up at the top of the swp pyramid (not the guy on the street or even the mouthpieces) are a part of the globalisation/nwo thing
- trying to reign in the opposition for co-option or suppression
dwight heet
01.10.2001 23:29
Your analysis is sa pile of poo!!
See you on the barricades.
Andy C
by the way
01.10.2001 23:58
Uno = 1
We are many, they are few
Get a life!!
andy c
Sell the party, build the paper
02.10.2001 00:12
It certainly made me think twice about the Stop the War coalition - is it about stopping the war or recruitment and SWP brand recognition? If it's about stopping the war why insist on SWP speakers at every event?
I'm sorry in a sense to be carrying on the whole SWP/GR thing that's cropping up on IMC, to me the SWP et al are totally alien to the movement I'm a part of, so why increase their egos with slanging matches, but for god's sake, you lot don't half ask for it.
Ok, to be fair, the leadership ask for it. The tragedy is most SWP/GR members are very genuine people who will end up getting disillusioned with all the paper selling orders from above nonsense and drop out of politics altogether, rather than move on to anti-authoritarian groups.
the icepick kid
Paper Selling Orders
02.10.2001 10:39
Bobby Sosa
Who's side are you on?
02.10.2001 11:13
Somebody gets hold of an internal SWP mailing, and posts it on the indymedia site so that every one can have a laugh at what the SWP is saying internally.
A great joke isn't it?
Except it isn't a joke. What sort of activist would publish another organisation's internal mailings. Just when the state is openly talking about massive clamp downs on civil rights, on the eve of a war, and no doubt persecution of anti-war activists - and you publish this mailing.
Did you not think that openly publishing a document filled with names of activists, plans for the future and contact details for comrades is an incredibly stupid thing to do?
I would never forward details from other organisations onto the web. Activists should at least respect other activists and their point of view. Lets have the political arguments in public, but this sort of activity might not be dangerous now, but could be disastorous in the future.
Think before you act.
Martin E
I am a member
02.10.2001 12:05
have you heard of echelon?
02.10.2001 12:25
and you really believe that the intelligence services turn to indymedia to find out what the SWP are saying to each other? wake up!
or is your complaint really about the rest of us finally seeing in black and white how self serving the SWP agenda is? oh dear. again, please, wake up. we diverse human race have a world to win, not a dirge-like party to build.
thank you
try defending the memo
02.10.2001 13:17
1. The SWP give orders to its members, treating like simpletons.
2. Attempts to infiltrate other groups with the sole purpose of expanding its own power and membership.
3. Regards success only in terms of how many naive students they can press gang into joining or how many grimmy newspapers they can sell.
Could we have a defintion of sectarian please
02.10.2001 13:52
What does sectarian mean, could someone from the SWP enlighten us?
Does it mean in Marx's classic definition someone who puts the interests of their own organisation before the interest of the movement?
Mmmm excluding people because they disagree, or are smaller or to the left of the SWP because they might get in the way of the recruitment drive..... strikes me that would be somewhat sectarian according to Marx.
So perhaps the real sectarians are the people who call others sectarians.
Oh shit that means I'm one too, and I'm not a member of anything!!!
SWP - the truth at last
02.10.2001 14:13
Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Here are the true facts:
1. The SWP was founded in 1973 as part of a secret plan cooked up between MI5, the CIA, the KGB, Mossad and the Tufty Club.
2. Its aim is to demoralise and 'turn' the vast numbers of people who effectively oppose capitalism and imperialism by smoking spliffs and saying 'tut' at the news, by luring them into diversionary activities like demos and marches.
3. All SWP members agree upon joining to have a small clockwork Trotsky inserted in their brain who will self-destruct if they ever deviate from 'building the Party'. This is why no SWP members have jobs or kids or ever laugh, dance or have sex.
4. Many trade union activists have some respect for the SWP and even read their paper; thus proving what sell-outs the SWP are, since we all know trade unions are bourgeois tools and trade unionists are tabloid-reading knuckle-dragging morons without the political sophistication prevalent among the better class of anti-capitalist.
5. Anyone attending Globalise Resistance or Anti-Nazi League meetings will note that they are asked to sign in. For further info? No; so that at a later date the SWP can replace you with a clone designed in one of their vast Leninist robot factories under the North Pole.
6. All the SWP leadership are giant alien lizards under the direct control of Yog-Sothoth, an alien deity from the Outer Realms.
So now you know.
a nonny mouse
Some home truths about the SWP
02.10.2001 16:13
This document gives some real insight into how the SWP think and I think it's good that people can read it and judge the SWP on this. Some interesting points - they claim to be 'Leninist' by seeing the main enemy as being their own imperialist government. That is indeed the Leninist position, but it's not the SWP's - they vote for the british government and talk about Bush's war when British troops are actively involved in the front line of this war.
A particularly funny bit is when they say "We also need to become the voice of the oppressed masses across the globe who will be the victims of Bush & Blair’s war". This tiny British sect, in true imperialist style, want to become the voice of people they have no connection with and who have been oppressed by British troops, banks, companies for decades.
Think about the arrogance of that. Racism is not too strong a word for the contempt it displays for the non-white majority of the world.
Be reasonable
02.10.2001 16:57
The leadership is totally different. It's less concerned with increasing awareness and providing information than producing an endless stream of moronic slogans, organising pointless actions (petitioning the government is perhaps the most stupid thing the SWP do), recruiting as many members as possibly by jumping on any bandwagon that passes by, ordering members around and often over-working them, and selling the Socialist Worker newspaper.
I've been a SWP member since the Marxism 2000 conference anbd the pressure is always on to work full-time for the SWP, with meetings once or twice a week on top of selling papers on a Saturday and even in the workplace (if I did that, my colleagues would think I was a complete prick). Meanwhile, no-one is allowed to challenge the party machine or hierarchy and some of the ill-conceived tactics and policies it employs. For instance, I don't believe in infiltrating other groups, press-ganging people in university corridors or even campaigning in the general election for the Socialist Alliance or the Labour Party (which is hardly revolutionary). I'm a Marxist, but that doesn't mean I can't make my own decisions or that I can't find common cause with anarchists or greens (who are far more approachable than the party leadership). Christ, I don't even have a say on who is elected to the party leadership and I don't even know who they are.
This stupidity has got to stop. Rather than disbanding the SWP, it should be radically reformed and opened up to self-scrutiny and democracy. I will publish everything about what's going on in the SWP on IMC as someone who believes the SWP could be something far better than a shabby band of Stalin wannabes.
I sort of agree
02.10.2001 18:11
But that doesn't mean I can't point out that, and I'm trying to be very precise here, the comment in the SWP document is pretty racist. How can the SWP want to speak on behalf of peoples throughout the world they have no connection with and who have had enough British people bossing them about and exploiting them already? It's quite a give away remark because it betrays the arrogance that the SWP is based on. When has a movement in the south ever sought to speak on behalf of the British people?
The trouble is that the SWP, like other sects, religious or otherwise, are well organised and put a lot of energy into recruting so they get people then burn them out. We can't do anything about that. What we can do is be shit loads better at providing a real network/movement/whatever for people to get involved in. How many anti-capitalist stalls are there at freshers fairs compared with the SWP? How often do people organise meetings for new people and involve them actively?
Without building something real, attacking the SWP is self-indulgent crap. Like they say, when art critics get together they talk about schools of art and astehtic theory. When artists get together they talk about where you can get the cheapest paint. Perhaps a little less discussion of kronstadt and a bit more about organising stalls, booking rooms, arranging transport, putting on debates, involving new people, doing something about these non-hierarchal groups that decide everything important in closed meeting of about three or four mates.
Well, just a thought!
Strange argument
02.10.2001 20:24
By all means, criticise the SWP, but don't be so stupid because very few people will take you seriously.
Dan Brett
02.10.2001 20:35
Get a life and have a wee think anout the world you live in.
SWP/Globalise Resistance
02.10.2001 20:52
A N Gry
02.10.2001 21:23
A N Gry
Partners in crime
02.10.2001 21:46
Red Terror
Stop me. Don't buy one.
02.10.2001 21:49
02.10.2001 21:58
Bond, James
02.10.2001 22:01
Party Notes
02.10.2001 23:29
is the SWP getting serious?
03.10.2001 12:10
it reads: "We need to arm our comrades plus we need to discuss our work in the anti-war movement."
is this the revolution at last?
bang on Dan Brett by the way. I hate the way people bandy the word racism around without thinking about it.
07.10.2001 12:18
The fact is that everyone who is in the movement are not shy and easily manipulated we are standing up against the biggest enemy there is, Capitalism. We can think for ourselves. So surely we can turn round to the SWP and say no when they ask us to join, and yes if we agree with their politics.
If the SWP had as much power as we make them out to have then they would have recruited everyone and led the revolution by now, fortunatley they haven't.