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Robert Fisk (posted by zcat99) | 01.10.2001 19:04

Robert Fisk's article on Afganistan

Robert Fisk (posted by zcat99)


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Lies & Diatribe

02.10.2001 09:12

As Britain conducts a war on an imaginary Muslim adversary, who have never used the fact that they have been well integrated for nigh on four generations, to strike on UK soil, not even a letter bomb, (unlike the IRA, causing much death & destruction) ask yourself what will the outcome be?

The unimaginable suffering of ordinary Afghans who are opposed to their own regime. Borders have been closed, paltry (GM) food-aid and medicine is a military target, as in Sudan, and millions will flee, or die before a single bomb has dropped!

But the Labour Party in collusion with their Tory friends, with the assistance of their BNP comrades, and the Press already engendered a climate of blame and mistrust in this country, towards all Asians, in preparation for the WTC atrocity. Now when we are asked to give asylum to desperate people, because they are Afghans, they will all be considered “a potential terrorist threat” and be interred indefinitely in Concentration Camps, for “our safety!”

Anyone who expresses sympathy or solidarity with their plight, will soon join them.

Tory MP, Lord Soames thinks “these people” (Muslims) “who preach terrorism or sedition, should be expelled.” But the NF who peddle the most pernicious racist, divisory diatribe, are not included, because they are British, born and bred. They would go a step further than Soames and expel ALL ‘foreigners.’

When Lord Hattersley was confronted with the fact that Cambodia was a terror regime, he replied, “but they never tried to blow up European Cities, like the Taliban.” Could Splattersley please indicate which European City the Taliban has tried to blow up? I can think of none.
