London Cannabis Action
Jacks Draw | 30.09.2001 02:20
A fair crowd gathered to march from Speakers Corner to Trafalger Square against the continuing fascist era of prohibition. The march kicked off with a public auction of skunk and hash under the nose and video cameras of the pigs!!
Jacks Draw
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i was there
30.09.2001 10:47
wonko the sane
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campaign 4 real hashish
30.09.2001 12:53
The taste is not like hash and the effect is like smoking valium. The dutch system of coffe shops and house dealers gives the dutch consumers some protection in that if your local coffee shop sells fake hash they would very soon get shut down,busted, or both. It is also possible to have your E tested, by forensic cops, at raves. On more tan one occasion this has led to very dangerous E being discovered at an early stage and has undoubtedly saved lives. So while dutch parents know that there kids are smoking hash and that there is at least some control on chemicals, UK parents are completely in the dark, due to media propaganda and police collusion.
It is obvious that this fake hash must fall into the hands of the cops and surely they have it analysed or what ?
my information is that this fake hash is manufactured by the mafia and they pay off everyone, including UK customs/police
If waht i have outlined is true decriminalising hash would be a very healthy move.
anyone who has any info please post it on Indymedia.
I'd be interested in other peoples views on the subject.
keep em rollin'
leeds uni hash test
30.09.2001 21:13
There was a national warning released around this time last year with notes going out on flyers etc locally.. if u search for hash warning you'll probably find it.. but it was basically saying how Leeds University bought 6kilos of soap bar, and found it contained only a tiny, tiny %age of hash.. the rest being barbs, tranqs, old tyres, records, chewing gum, solvents.. the list goeson for ever, and there were still things they weren't entirely sure about.
As i recall the %age was somewhere below 30.. probs something like 16% but I wouldn't use it in arguments cos i'm probably wrong :)