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Trespass notice served on Swiss Cottage Protestors

Saif | 28.09.2001 14:57

Camden Council has served trespass notices on the 'friends of Swiss Cottage' who are who are preventing access to the Swiss Cottage Central Library worksite in a campaign against the relocation of the nearby market.

The Council said: "By obstructing the entrance to the site these people are interfering with the progress of the essential building work to the nearby central library."

The legal notices say that they are trespassing on council land and that the council is withdrawing the right for them to continue to be on that land. The notice also states that if the council suffers any extra expense as a result of them trespassing and refusing access to the site, then the council will claim for damages through the civil courts.

The council was refused access last week when it tried to deliver three portacabins to the site. Other grounds maintenance vehicles have also been prevented from gaining access.

More Details available at the website (click link to go straight to full story).

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