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Jackboot Straw's tuppenceworth again!

Paxman | 28.09.2001 12:02

Straw accuses...........

Oh good - Jack Straw has had a bit of an upgrade in the government - but STILL he persists in meddling with people's day to day lives. Having been boosted from his position of Grand Arch Duke Inquisitor ( Home Secretary ) to Foreign Affairs - the reality of this is scary. This is the man who labelled us as criminals for smoking something that grows in ya garden - but NOW he has been chatting to the leaders of IRAN!! - And nicely pissing of Grand Torturer Supreme Sharon in doing so ( there is a sunny side then! )

But now we have this:

"UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says "naive" campaigners against stronger internet surveillance laws have hurt the anti-terror fight. "

I have a problem with being labelled as someone who supports the scale of death and destruction that the world encountered the other week.

Cheers Straw - Let's see how long you last in Blair's foreign policy team.......



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Policy Failure

28.09.2001 12:31

Why were social services, local council, schools, police or hospitals unable to prevent the torture and horrific death of Victoria Climbie from the Ivory Coast? Government cut backs to public services and privatisation for profit of all these services must be directly responsible. An innocent child died in agony as a result of government policy. That makes Tony Blair and Jack Straw as guilty as though they carried out this abuse with their own blood-stained hands. The buck stops there--every time! That includes those who have died on underfunded railways while fat-cats cream off the profits. Our system is governed by child-abusers and murderers, our lives are so cheap to these criminals, their corruption must be exposed and they must be held accountable, for all our children's sake.


Internet surveillance wouldn't help...

28.09.2001 15:05

In all the furore about encryption and internet surveillance, there's one fact that keeps getting glossed over - there is NO EVIDENCE that the terrorists involved in the recent attacks were using any electronic communications, never mind encrytped email. The analyses I've read all indicate that low-tech security was used - pre-agreed code phrases and human couriers.

However, increased surveillance and government backdoors in commercial encryption products would greatly enhance economic espionage of the type that the FBI has already admitted they engage in. Next they'll be outlawing sending mail in sealed envelopes (which is what the encryption restrictions amount to).

Duncan King

intelligence ‘community’ full of it!

28.09.2001 17:05

There have been many false claims by the intelligence ‘community’ of late. In the US the FBI claimed that because the law forbade them from following suspects who’d not committed any crime, they could not act. Crap. Earth First! activists had been under surveillance for years without legal means. The law has never curtailed the intelligence ‘community’ before. Judi Bari, an Earth First! organiser claimed that the FBI’s insistence that Earth First! were behind the Unabomber attacks means that the real culprit’s clues were never followed up due to sloppy investigation and prejudice. I wonder how much real terrorism was allowed to flourish because the intelligence ‘community’ were busy following anti-capitalist protesters round from Seattle to Prague and so on?


The logic of Straw

28.09.2001 20:00

It's obvious people like Blair, Bush, Straw and co will use terrorism as an excuse to take away what few freedoms we have left, if they can. After all how else are we to defend the freedoms we cherish in our 'superior' western civilization other than by depriving our citizens of them?

As far as its been reported the terrorists used hotmail accounts (accessed from public places such as Libraries)and pay-as-you-go cellphones both of which were frequently changed to avoid detection. Therefore by Straw's logic Bill Gate's is an accessory to murder, libraries a threat tp national security and cellphones tools of terrorism.

You can also assume it won't be long before the 'intelligence community' start spreading rumours along the lines of "the reason we didn't see this coming was anti-captalist movement, we had to devote so many resources to countering the threat of further violence from this quarter after Genoa, the terrorists slipped through the net..."


that word 'use'

28.09.2001 20:45

i think Richard is quite right there - people like Blair Bush Straw quite literally used terrorism to achieve these ends.

dwight heet

Mail ain't safe either

29.09.2001 20:59

tommorows world featured a new liquid spray from america which can make paper transparent, allowing for the authorities to read your mail without ever opening the envelope. And when it dries, the paper becomes opaque as before.

the reason they gave for this was that apparently plastic explosives can be rolled paper-thin, which i thought was a shit excuse at the time. but don't worry, only law enforcement agencies will be able to purchase the spray.
