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Renewable Energy: A Top Priority At Last?

Steve Breyman | 28.09.2001 01:04

Are we smart enough to learn a lesson from September 11? The lesson: reduce our dependence on inported petroleum, a root cause of the current crisis. We must shift to renewables sooner or later.Switching now will prevent pollution, climate catastrophe, terrorism, and war

Steve Breyman
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Toxic renewables

28.09.2001 11:46

Prof. Steve Breyman’s ideas look great on paper and it is obvious that in a sane world renewable energy would have displaced fossil based fuels from time.

Hey steve have you heard about the Directive going through the EU parliment right about now. The last I have on it is a “Common Position” document (C5-0133/2001).
It’s dated 02 04 01 april this year. I think it went through recently almost as I have it.
(I’ll be in Belgie tonite pehaps be able to put some links up, you’ll find it at the EU site)

This directive sets out the terms describing what constitutes the different types of renewable energy. It harps on about , Solar, wind, biomass ect ect . But what a surprise Municipal waste is now considered a font of renewable energy , in previous documents a “percentage” of industrial waste is also mentioned. exactly how the political cheats in the EU will/Have wangle(d) this one through is not clear at the moment. A number of points are extremely clear .

1) The greens in the EU have sold their BUTTS out to the corporate nasties.

2) The Italian government already considers “Waste” (it’s law) to be a renewable energy scource the Eco mafia / ENI and co are already officially burning municipal waste, and unofficially burning toxic waste and any fucking shit they like .

3) The reward for burning (toxic) waste in a cogeneratore is five times the price for the leccie produced.. nice scam ... and it gets rid of a whole mountain of toxic shit .
The leather curing industry in tuscany alone produces thousands of tons of toxic sludge each year...(60.000 tons I think) next time you by a Gucci hand bag think of it .

4) The Dutch are behind the move to consider waste a renewable energy scource.
They don’t figure in the debate, then they don’t go to the G8 but they are pulling a lot of strings behind the scenes as per usual , the great compromisers . read my new conspiracy theory book “The dutch rule the world”

5) the UK is also seriously down with the scam, although the controls are so slack in the UK they could be putting toxic waste in the weetabix, beer, tea and no fucker would know , till they snuffed it . they put highly toxic fly ash in (house) building blocks

sure steve renewable energy “was” a great idea but as usual it has been corrupted by
corporate greed and political need , (they need back handers)

fragrant regards LB

Luther Blissett