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Bush fails I.Q Test/ at CIA .

Luther blissett | 27.09.2001 09:57

G Dubya's morale boosting visit to the(should be disgraced) CIA headquarters, shows the man to be a complete moron.
he can't even get one sentence right without changing it
halfway through, or screwing up in the middle of a long
word. He laughed and joked and fucked up his lines big time!!

Watching Bush on TV is pretty hard to stomach at the best of times. His expressions are more akin to some street hoodlum.
His smile or smirk appears completely out of place for a president who is mourning 7.000 dead civilians. He never really looked as though he was affected by the attack,clinton looked decidely shakey when he spoke just after the event.
But yesterdays meeting at the CIA was the pits, Bush arrives laughing and joking and taking five from some of his,and his fathers old minions. He then goes into one about how the U:S has the best intelligence the world can offer !!!. Strange I heard that the whole thing had been an Intelligence disaster
surely they can't blame that on muslim radicals/bin laden.
Pity that he couldn't get his lines out straight and had a lot of trouble with the word 'Misrepresented' which he said about ten times and possibly got it right once.Perhaps it's
symbolic of the ruse that he is pulling ?
Apart from the fact that the CIA fucked up big time, in any conspiracy theory the CIA has to be number one suspect. Not for Bush though, who while playing at be 'fonzy' and between cracking jokes and making himself look like a complete idiot dubya also informs the world that he expects the CIA to take on a starring role in the up and coming
WAR AGAINST HELPLESS UNARMED INNOCENT REFUGES (and any other poor fuckers who can't get the fuck out of the way)

Why do American presidents always have to be so fucking thick

Luther blissett


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because their function is to legitamise

27.09.2001 12:42

The function of the American president is to support and champion, free enterprise and big buisness. and legitimise this through the occasional (rigged?) election. If you had a president with an IQ in triple figures or even (god forbid) some notion of ethics they would star to ask all kinds of difficult questions.

mail e-mail: jmayler@hotmail

Bushes dumbest ever...

27.09.2001 13:38

Apparently both the Bush presidents are the two dumbest ever.
Clinton has the highest IQ of any president.


shifts and shadows

27.09.2001 17:27

Funny how Clinton is coming in for some degree of respect these days, even if only of the 'at least he's a human being' variety. He was president when the US launched missiles at bin Laden (and a Sudanese medicine factory) before, don't forget.


All i have to say

27.09.2001 19:12

wonko the sane
mail e-mail: k@k.m
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big boy and little boy

27.09.2001 23:56

george bush senior isnt thick - he supported alzheimer reagan for years and now supports his idiot son

dwight heet

they have to be thick to be puppets

28.09.2001 15:03

its the illuminati that are in power not Bush

check out
and you'll see

21st century blues
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