Brooklyn Terrorist Safe House Raided by FBI and DEA
Dean Loren | 27.09.2001 04:58
NY reporter exposes terrorist safe house and drug network operating in Brooklyn, NY. FBI and DEA raid safe house arresting family members for WTC bombing activities and drug trafficking.
Brooklyn Terrorist Safe House Raided September 19, 2001 by FBI and DEA
On September 2, 2001, one week prior to the World Trade Center Incident,
Dean Loren reported Brooklyn's Green Point Islamic Mosque on 602 Leonard Street and Safe House/Candy Store on 87 Norman Ave. as the underground railroad and financing network for the WTC bombers of 1993. The terrorist network was in full operation and currently moving heroin and ammunitions. Sheik Raman had been sheltered in the Norman Avenue Safe House prior to his arrest in New Jersey for the first WTC bombing. See License Plates and Drug Distribution Properties below.
Loren notified Condolezza Rice's NSA Office in Washington on Thursday Sept 6th with the heroin and arms trafficking report with a specific warning of a terrorist attack.
On September 19, 2001, FBI and DEA officials raided the owners of the Norman Avenue Safe House, the Quhshi family, for terrorist activities connected to the WTC incident.
The white mitsubishi observed at the Boston Airport is believed to be owned by "Sammy" the son of the livery car owner on McGuiness Avenue across from Key Foods in Brooklyn. Sammy lives on North Henry Street.
Three women of the Greenpoint Islamic Mosque admitted to having to leave the country prior to September 11 WTC incident. Their husbands and others are still at large in the country.
The Quhshi family financed the operations with cash generated from Candy Store - Heroin and Numbers Rackets in Brooklyn and Manhattan. The cash was used to finance arms shipments, drugs and purchase of real properties. A protection shakedown racket run by Brooklyn D.A. Hynes and Manhattan DA Morganthau and Brooklyn's 94th Precinct was evident from the police activity within the Candy Store used for heroin/arms distribution. Large quantities of cash used for operations were reported to the 94th Precinct without action.
Automobiles used for drug distribution and terrorist activities are registered to Yeman addresses. Yemanite owners are out of the country while the network drives the cars. NYC insurance agents are believed to be fronts for the terrorist organization.. Both Hynes and Morganthau are blocking the production of Faris Quhshi's photograph. Faris Quhshi is wanted for two attempted murders and involvement with the WTC bombers. At this time, the Green Point Islamic Mosque is under protective guard by the 94th precinct. The Mosque holds 24 cots in the basement (3 units of 8).
An ethnic drug war between the Eastern European and Yemanite heroin networks has been active with several murders each week in Brooklyn. The murders go unreported by the 94th Precinct. The Mosque at Tysons Corners Virginia was also financed by the Quhshi cash operations and believed to be the headquarters for the Laurel, Maryland terrorists apprehended.
Following Loren's September 2, 2001 broadcast, Mr. Loren survived an attack in front of his home by Faris Quhshi. Manhattan's 25th Precinct are currently investigating.
License Plate numbers of vehicles observed in midnight drug drop offs:
LMR 68U, AMF 1268, Yellow Cab 4-P62, AHB 8436, T-41400C, T-281094C
Heroin/Cancy Distribution Sites within 9 block radius of Safe House:
625 Manhattan Ave ("MA"), 627MA, 699 MA, 799MA, 801MA, 818MA, 824MA, 873MA, 877MA, 888MA, 861MA, 895MA, and 93 Norman Avenue. Dean Loren is a blacklisted Attorney and Investigative Reporter,
Major news agencies refuse to carry his reporting as a furtherance of his blacklisting.
On September 2, 2001, one week prior to the World Trade Center Incident,
Dean Loren reported Brooklyn's Green Point Islamic Mosque on 602 Leonard Street and Safe House/Candy Store on 87 Norman Ave. as the underground railroad and financing network for the WTC bombers of 1993. The terrorist network was in full operation and currently moving heroin and ammunitions. Sheik Raman had been sheltered in the Norman Avenue Safe House prior to his arrest in New Jersey for the first WTC bombing. See License Plates and Drug Distribution Properties below.
Loren notified Condolezza Rice's NSA Office in Washington on Thursday Sept 6th with the heroin and arms trafficking report with a specific warning of a terrorist attack.
On September 19, 2001, FBI and DEA officials raided the owners of the Norman Avenue Safe House, the Quhshi family, for terrorist activities connected to the WTC incident.
The white mitsubishi observed at the Boston Airport is believed to be owned by "Sammy" the son of the livery car owner on McGuiness Avenue across from Key Foods in Brooklyn. Sammy lives on North Henry Street.
Three women of the Greenpoint Islamic Mosque admitted to having to leave the country prior to September 11 WTC incident. Their husbands and others are still at large in the country.
The Quhshi family financed the operations with cash generated from Candy Store - Heroin and Numbers Rackets in Brooklyn and Manhattan. The cash was used to finance arms shipments, drugs and purchase of real properties. A protection shakedown racket run by Brooklyn D.A. Hynes and Manhattan DA Morganthau and Brooklyn's 94th Precinct was evident from the police activity within the Candy Store used for heroin/arms distribution. Large quantities of cash used for operations were reported to the 94th Precinct without action.
Automobiles used for drug distribution and terrorist activities are registered to Yeman addresses. Yemanite owners are out of the country while the network drives the cars. NYC insurance agents are believed to be fronts for the terrorist organization.. Both Hynes and Morganthau are blocking the production of Faris Quhshi's photograph. Faris Quhshi is wanted for two attempted murders and involvement with the WTC bombers. At this time, the Green Point Islamic Mosque is under protective guard by the 94th precinct. The Mosque holds 24 cots in the basement (3 units of 8).
An ethnic drug war between the Eastern European and Yemanite heroin networks has been active with several murders each week in Brooklyn. The murders go unreported by the 94th Precinct. The Mosque at Tysons Corners Virginia was also financed by the Quhshi cash operations and believed to be the headquarters for the Laurel, Maryland terrorists apprehended.
Following Loren's September 2, 2001 broadcast, Mr. Loren survived an attack in front of his home by Faris Quhshi. Manhattan's 25th Precinct are currently investigating.
License Plate numbers of vehicles observed in midnight drug drop offs:
LMR 68U, AMF 1268, Yellow Cab 4-P62, AHB 8436, T-41400C, T-281094C
Heroin/Cancy Distribution Sites within 9 block radius of Safe House:
625 Manhattan Ave ("MA"), 627MA, 699 MA, 799MA, 801MA, 818MA, 824MA, 873MA, 877MA, 888MA, 861MA, 895MA, and 93 Norman Avenue. Dean Loren is a blacklisted Attorney and Investigative Reporter,
Major news agencies refuse to carry his reporting as a furtherance of his blacklisting.
Dean Loren