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Direct activists and stop the war coalition: report from Sheffield

An activist | 26.09.2001 21:48 | Anti-militarism | Sheffield

How can direct activists contribute to the movement against the war and a report from an anti war meeting in Sheffield

Tonight (26/9) over 200 people met to start a Sheffield Coaliltion against the war.
The meeting had a strong SWP influence (the chair and one of the speakers) but there were a wide range of views represented.
During the last half hour of the meeting people broke up into smaller groups. These were proposed to be based on local and workplace groups and administrative tasks.

One local direct activists pointed out the need to take action and suggested some ideas. At the end another called for a local action group to develop these ideas. About 30 to 40 people then gathered to brainstorm ideas and arrange to meet after the next peace vigil. This mini-meeting was faciliated in a non hierachical manner. This meant that the energy of the people there could turn to action and not just talk.

There may be a lesson here for direct activists/ anarchists in other areas who might find the idea of working in a coalition with the SWP and reformists difficult to take on. If direct activists only work with ourselves in opposing the war we cannot connect with lots of people who wanted to do more than go on marches in London. We have lots of skills and experience to offer. Not least in how to conduct meetings to maximise participation. So if there is anti-war meeting in your area why not go along and ask anyone who wants to do some graffitti, blockade, do some symbolic action in solidarity with moslems, disrupt the war machine, banner drop, party for peace or get on the streets to get together with you.

You might be surprised at who wants to go out with a spray can - its not just your stereotyped anarcho hippy type.

It occurs to me that if we can make direct consensual participatory democracy the normal way of working in campaigns we will have done far more to undermine the authoritarian left than any amount of pamphlets or leaflets criticising them.

Lets show that horizontal automonous forms of organisation work.

And most important lets get ACTION going to stop the blood lust

An activist
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inspiring meeting in sheffield England

27.09.2001 15:51

I was at the meeting in Sheffield, England last night and while there were some problems( tiny marxist factions whose time has passed) we shouldn't be too precious. Having been involved with other anti-war campaigns I must say this was the most creative and productive event i,ve been to: a meeting of over 250 people, (many more if they had flyposted) broke down into small groups and organised or began to organise numerous actions,rallies, support systems for threatened minorities, neighbour sub groups, etc, all in the space of half an hour!. This was after a long meeting and discussion with speakers who were generally inspiring, particularly a methodist minister. The range of people was incredible: from revolutionaries to liberal democrats, christians to pagans to just plain ordinary folk with no axes to grind. Although the large Socialist Workers Party was very prominent at the meeting I would say they did not completely dominate precedings and actively encouraged breaking up into sub- groups afterwards. I have had my problems with this group, but now of all times is not the time to accentuate our differences(see schnews pamphlet). The point of this post is not just to highlight a local meeting but to say that when you have a meeting don't just leave it there, letting people go back in atomised individual lives, bind them into the movement, encourage and bring out their ideas and creativity, do this by making space at the meeting for concrete plans and actions, it works.... NO WAR, PEACE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE

earnest old man
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