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Monopolise Resistance? - a pamphlet from SchNEWS

SchNEWS | 26.09.2001 11:46

Monopolise Resistance? - how Globalise Resistance would hijack revolt
A SchNEWS pamphlet

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Display the following 31 comments

  1. And so say all of us — ummmmmm
  2. a couple of thoughts — localise resistance
  3. YearZero Magazine: A reply — Adam Porter
  4. I know I'm probably wasting my time but... — Steve Moorcroft
  5. monopolise denunciations as well? — Anarcho
  6. Open and democratic? — Ex SWP
  7. yeah right — .
  8. Losers! — naomi klein
  9. IS Journal — Steve Moorcroft
  10. yeah THE party — ranter
  11. hey, let's have a fight! — Ben Drake
  12. Open and democratic once more — Ex SWP
  13. I agree, BUT... — Matt S
  14. Thought for the day — masked man
  15. unity and decentralised democracy — xiaozhou
  16. what is capitalism? — noel
  17. Dustbin of history? — Rupert Marsh
  18. gr? — noel
  19. a few more points — anarcho
  20. A question for the Noel — Concerned
  21. At Marxism 2001 — Anarcho
  22. in reply to steve... — zedhead
  23. My two pence — Disillusioned kid
  24. Rave from the grave — Trotsky
  25. a final comment or two — noel
  26. sorry not to be fraternal but... — Ex member
  27. yet more points — anarcho
  28. opps, I forgot this... — anarcho
  29. This says alot about how you view others — arthur
  30. Time to quit the SWerPs, Noel — Been there, done it, left it
  31. Sigh — boundforglory