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whatever happened to david icke's contribution

dwight heet | 24.09.2001 21:57

you are character assassinated for what you say - you are turned in to a laughing stock - and even potential allies desert you at critical points in time

there was a posting purporting to be from david icke on the newswire recently. it was rather a weak one actually,though certainly came from the icke website, and came under immediate attack from people repeating old 'son of god' accusations. i've emailed indymedia on this but have yet to receive a reply. the reason why i wont wait for that is that time is so pushing - we're at the edge of an obscene war for chrissakes - and we've got to get the analysis straight. the wtc and pentagon attacks are so transparent and the following rush to war and curtailment of civil liberties so obviously outcome-orientated, it is difficult to believe that so-called intelligent people can believe a word or image of can pilger and chomsky, for example, not express their true intuition about this charade - too intellectual and too interested in their own reputations? at least buckminster fuller has a grasp of the economics of the situation. answer this indymedia!

dwight heet


Hide the following 11 comments


25.09.2001 09:03

I think people ignored David Icke because few of us believe the world is being run by 8 foot reptilians. Though reading Indymedia recently I'm afraid it's heading that way. Why can't people accept that not everything is a conspiratorial plot? Sometimes people do things for reasons other than that the CIA/UN/reptiles/Elders of Zion told them to.

Why can't you accept that one group of people did something terrible for their own ideological reasons, and that very soon another group of people will do something terrible for different ideological reasons?

Give me some evidence and a better explanation of how the world works than a systemic analysis (looking partially at capitalism but largely at power structures) and maybe I'll believe that some secret cabal is behind everything. Until then your conspiracy theories will look like a paranoid distraction.

Rupert Marsh


25.09.2001 10:10

whatever people like david icke might believe, he does see, as many other people see, something very fishy about this whole `war` and its agenda, it has been widely reported that bush had plans for Afganistan long before 11-9 and that during his visit to europe he was hinting at poss. support for any retaliation against terrorist attack on America, then hey-presto, 11-9.

Globalized resistance has shown us that what the power wants and what we want are two very different things, and history has shown us that patriotizm is often the last reason that a power wants to go to war.

Bush says that this `war` will be like no other, hmm funny that.


Shape-shifters at IMC...

25.09.2001 11:35

Nice one for drawing this to our attention dwight. I had noticed a few pieces on here from the website, though hadn't realised they'd been censored by those that (mis)believe that david is a "nutter".
Granted, some of his material is a little heavy, but if people would take the time out to check out the website above, they will be able to pick and choose between various texts.
I personally don't believe that the world is being run by shape-shifters, but I certainly believe it's being run by a global elite, often refered to as the secret world government, the illuminati, or the new world order.
We can clearly see, in our everyday day lives, that we are being slowly enslaved under global fascism by stealth.
Our only weapon against this is our resistance through awareness. If people behind the scenes here are removing information, they are as much a part of the forces which destroyed the WTC: the new world order.
Love and Rage.
Pix. xx

Rascalling Pixie
mail e-mail:

Conspiracy Theory

25.09.2001 12:46

While I agree that Icke is a dangerous fool (or worse), I get really irritated by so-called ‘radicals’ bullshitting on in a completely dismissive way about “conspiracy theory”. This is just a lazy cliché of mainstream journalism. It is used to dismiss anyone who suggested – often with substantial evidence – that powerful people conspire in private to further their own interests. Such ‘thinking’ rests upon the (liberal) assumption that we live in a basically classless society and that public institutions and the state are neutral and benevolent. Has no one learned the lessons of the ‘Strategy of Tension’ that took place in Italy between during the 1970’s? In a society in which power has become increasingly concentrated and there is an all-pervasive mass media controlled by those in power, the scope for effective conspiracy by the powerful has grown.

Obviously those, like Icke, who suggest that a small group of individuals completely control world history are dangerous idiots. I don’t think that’s what’s being suggested in this case, by people who feel the WTC outrage is all too convenient. It’s more a case of subtle manipulation of already existing groups at the right time and completely unbelievable ‘incompetence’ by the intelligence services. Of course, it’s too early to say who was ultimately behind the WTC outrage, but it disturbs me that so many ‘radicals’ have dismissed state manipulation as at least a factor so quickly, while at the same time being so credulous concerning totally unsubstantiated claims by the political class and media that bin Laden was behind it. The childish tales of bin Laden’s global and omnipotent network are the most infantile tales I’ve heard in a long time – in a word, CONSPIRACY THEORIES!

Anyone interested in an intelligent analysis of conspiracy should check out the following:-

Harry Roberts
- Homepage:


25.09.2001 19:14

i'd like to step away from the argument here to make an apology to indymedia for breaching etiquette by posting the original comment here before receiving a reply to my e-mail - which i have received and was perfectly reasonable. just regard me as an irritable and obsessional old bugger sometimes. keep up the good work - dwight (i'll return to my mission later)

dwight heet

A message to icke-ites

25.09.2001 20:35

David Icke is a well meaning individual but obviously with a lot of time on his hands thinking up new takes on world events.He's been spouting anti-semitic nonsense that is known to be nonsense which is why he's so big in America.
When is a secret not a secret?When everyone knows about it.So why's Ickey divulging all of these secrets to everyone?Is he a stoogey for the Illuminati?Is he a leader of the proposed New World Order and is in a power struggle for world domination with Bush?Answer me that then Children of the Matrix!

mail e-mail:

whats next

25.09.2001 21:35

so i sits meself down in front of the telly to relax for a while and what is there? the WHO warnings about chemical and biological warfare that is going to be the next big thing of the bin laden-style organisations. well they've told us what its gonna your gas mask - sorry, all sold out and we're now constantly bombarded by wartime propaganda. hey - and who was that italian serial killer who committed suicide about ten years ago, who is now being investigated by Italian magistrates for links to satanist groups organised by architects, doctors and other middle class professionals with possible links to the highest levels of Italian society (article in The Observer 07.09.01 which i've chucked -sorry about the vagueness)- exactly the kind of stuff icke is on about.

dwight heet

you have to be blind to see it

25.09.2001 21:50

Motive & Methods (s) for letting sept 11 happen .

1) divert attention away from US/ World economic crisis.

2) Scare everyone shitless and bring in a vast array of new laws , which will affect anyone who does not stay right in line with Gloabalisation and third world slavery policies.

3) blame bin laden, and subsequently muslims, for all the worlds problems, climate change is about the only thing that they didn't lay on him so far .

4) But what of the region ? Russia gets to finish the job in Chechnya and the U:S gets a serious military foothold right
in China's back yard. also preventing Chinese expansion in the area. This is probably one of the most important reasons.
U:S corporations having been picking up loads of bargains
from the failed Asian tiger Economy they obviously want to protect these and other future gains.

5) If the yanks bomb the shit out of Taleban the northern alliance will do the fighting on the ground.
The yanks arm them and low and behold another right wing
puppet government with U:S bases throughout the country .

6) the media hysteria scares the shit out of everyone and that allows the new world order to increase it's iron grip.

7) CNN leads the propaganda race. with it's war against terror . It seems thy have an never ending supply on experts they can wheel out to blab on about absolute shite.

The sept 11th attack was just what the doctor ordered for the Bush administration it will be used as the cure for a whole pile of problems. Anti Globalization demonstraters have already been compared to the hijackers.

Isn't that a motive, for letting it happen, shouldn't the Bush Administration be investigated ?

It's like the King is not wearing any clothes ...

Luther blissett

medical advice

25.09.2001 22:12

a word to the wise - you can order homeopathic prophylactics anthracinum and botulinum from the homeopathic pharmacies - try - far better than gasmasks - i dont know if they do homeopathic sarin - its worth a try

dwight heet

potency 30 C

26.09.2001 00:06

quote potency 30C

sdwight heet

Conspiracy, no?

28.09.2001 23:23

Thankyou Luther
You speak the truth. Facts are facts and there sure is one hell of a conspiracy. Lizards are the theory.
