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A small step for one man, a gigantic leap backwards for humanity NewMew

NewMedia | 24.09.2001 21:57

The United States gets ready to attack the poorest country on Earth and anyone supporting it

A small step for a man, a gigantic jump backwards for humanity


A small step for one
man, a gigantic leap backwards for humanity

An unintelligent drunkard and daddy’s boy that got to be governor of Texas
thanks to his family connections and that got to occupy the presidency of his
country thanks to electoral fraud, now thinks he is the GOD
of the planet and is announcing that "Whoever is not with me, is against
me" and is getting ready to carry out his crusade of EXTERMINATING ANGEL against the DEMON
of terrorism. For that reason the United States has called their crusade of
extermination, operation "INFINITE JUSTICE ".

All those who have studied religion know that God is the only being able to
carry out infinite acts because God´s existence is infinite, whereas man, being
finite, only carries out finite acts. According to this, we can reach one of
two conclusions: Either George W. Bush is God or the United States has gone
crazy. Since it is so improbable that this very finite, ignorant and
unremarkable being called George W. Bush can be God, only the second option is
left: the man is hallucinating. And this in truth wouldn’t matter if it weren’t
for the fact that he is the head of the greatest TERROR MACHINE that has existed in the history
of humanity.

The United States gets ready to attack the poorest country on Earth and anyone
supporting it, and has announced that:

· it will fight a dirty war,
· it will not renounce the use of nuclear weapons,
· it will accept confessions produced by the torture,
· it will carry out selective murders of its enemies,
· it will make war against any country that it believes harbors terrorists,
according to its own definition of " terrorists ",
· the war will be indefinite.

In summary, the world has gone back to medieval times, when the Christians
started their religious crusades “to recover
the Holy Land” and humanity saw centuries of genocide, racism and religious
wars in the name of a vindictive and bloody God. The world has gone back to the
time of the INQUISITION, when heretics were burned alive and
their properties happened to become possessions of the church. The world has
gone back to the time of the American WILD WEST, when the only law was the law
of the gun and the fugitives of justice were wanted DEAD or ALIVE. The world has gone back to the
time of Hitler, when the innate superiority of the Nazi was the justification
for the extermination of Jews, Communists and homosexuals.

The United States
has decreed a PERMANENT WAR to guarantee a continuous
aggression and intervention against Third World countries that are not aligned
with their aims of WORLD-WIDE DOMINATION. When the U.S. assures
that whoever is not with them, is with the " terrorists", it is
disposing of international law, the right to neutrality and to have a due
process in legal cases. This, together with GLOBALIZATION
gives the U.S. carte blanche to seize the natural resources of all the planet
and to exert a WORLD-WIDE GOVERNMENT in which the United States
is the governor, police, judge and executioner. The true world-wide terrorism
is now the WAR against TERRORISM waged by the United States
that gives it the right to attack and terrorize any country, at any time and
under any pretext.

The takeover of the U.S. presidency by George W. Bush was a small step for one
man but a gigantic leap backwards for humanity.



Display the following 2 comments

  1. he'll go soon — dwight heet
  2. From US — JJ