Letter to the Secratery for Health and Siocial Security.
Ferganoid | 24.09.2001 16:45
If you think mentally ill people should not be placed in a prison for Psychiatric reports please comment.
I was remanded in prison for Psychiatric reports for smashing up my flat. In prison I did not recieve any Psychiatric treatment so I went on hunger strike and I was eventually given bail. Psychiatric and Probation reports where made and I recieved a conditional discharge.
The reports went into great detail about how disturbed I was and what treatment I needed, however it also said it was unavaileble. The local mental health service recomended I would be better treated down the night shelter.
On the posative side I recieved an extra two Psychiatric labels to the one I already have, so the DHSS will leave me alone. However I wrote a letter to the Department for Health witch you can view on the bottem link.
The reports went into great detail about how disturbed I was and what treatment I needed, however it also said it was unavaileble. The local mental health service recomended I would be better treated down the night shelter.
On the posative side I recieved an extra two Psychiatric labels to the one I already have, so the DHSS will leave me alone. However I wrote a letter to the Department for Health witch you can view on the bottem link.