Indymedia Journalist Arrested in Car-Free Day Demo
Rowan Dempsey | 24.09.2001 15:15
Irish Indymedia journalist Wolfe Fishbourne was arrested while filming the Gardaí forcefully remove activists and critical mass cyclists off the tarmac of Dublin's O'Connell St in a non-violent (quite humourous, in fact) sit-down demonstration during the Dublin Car-Free Day (22.09.01)
His dv camera was taken and he was put into a paddywagon with at least 4 other arrestees. The paddywagon was then used as part of a convoy of vehicles to slowly force the demonstration up the length of O'Connell St.
The arrestees were heard banging on the inside of the paddywagon, adding to the general atmosphere of rambunctiousness. Ever the opportunist, Fishbourne
then proceeded to interview the other arrestees using a spare dv camera he happened to be carrying.
He was held for four hours in Store St. station; his tapes were watched by the police but then returned along with cameras; his phone numbers up to 'j' were deleted from his mobile (??) and he was charged with three offences under the Criminal Justice Act.
Also, a reasonably senior Garda arrived in his Cell and Quoted an Act (Fishbourne doesn't remember it), and informed Fishbourne that if he broadcasted his footage he would be charged under this act as well. This was done in a "very proper" manner with a second officer coming into the cell and acting as a Witness during this.
More details to follow.
His dv camera was taken and he was put into a paddywagon with at least 4 other arrestees. The paddywagon was then used as part of a convoy of vehicles to slowly force the demonstration up the length of O'Connell St.
The arrestees were heard banging on the inside of the paddywagon, adding to the general atmosphere of rambunctiousness. Ever the opportunist, Fishbourne
then proceeded to interview the other arrestees using a spare dv camera he happened to be carrying.
He was held for four hours in Store St. station; his tapes were watched by the police but then returned along with cameras; his phone numbers up to 'j' were deleted from his mobile (??) and he was charged with three offences under the Criminal Justice Act.
Also, a reasonably senior Garda arrived in his Cell and Quoted an Act (Fishbourne doesn't remember it), and informed Fishbourne that if he broadcasted his footage he would be charged under this act as well. This was done in a "very proper" manner with a second officer coming into the cell and acting as a Witness during this.
More details to follow.
Rowan Dempsey
Hide the following 5 comments
24.09.2001 22:43
look forward to seeing it
Police footage
26.09.2001 00:17
26.09.2001 12:55
A most fucked up situation.
check out some short vids of it
28.09.2001 12:10
(links at bottom right of page)
>so wheres the footage or lots of editing yet
Wolfe is currently preparing video evidence for his court hearing on wednesday; its up to him whether he puts on the web.
01.10.2001 18:19
I'am the Irish Indymedia cameraman who was arrested on Europen Car Free Day. To cut a long story short I was arrested while filming Reclaim The Street / Critical Mass Demo on Saturday last Dublin City. I was charged under sections 6,9 and 19 of the Irish Criminal Justice Act. I charge I am innocent of will fight and win.
see full report on Indymedia Ireland website to be launched in the next couple of weeks after the trial.
The Police clearly didnt want anyone filming there tactice in the very peaceful and good humoured demonstraters. I was the first person arrested 5 others was also arrested and put in the same Riot Police van Where I attemptewd a get interviews in the back of the Paddywagon before my 2nd camera was also taken.
We got some excellent footage and are looking in to putting a documentary together.
below is a copy of statment given to my solicitor
Statemente of events
On Saturday 22 September I had cause to video the Europeen Car Free
demonstration. I am a Community videographer working for Indymedia an
International Media distributers (like a non commercial Rauters) and possibily to give on to the
Irish Media. During the days good natured demonstration the North bound
lane of O`Connell St was blocked off and a game of street football ensued.
After a short time the police moved in to clear the street, I was told to move
on to the pavement outside Supermacs, by GARDA *** which I did with out delay.
Two police riot vans arrived, having been told to move back I moved down the street and
behine the police lines, so as not to get between them and the protesters. While 'behind police
lines' and I presumed out of the way I was bundled in to the back of a police van. The Time of
detention was Approx 4pm.
We arrived at Store St Garda Station at around 4:30pm where my details were taken. I was
searched they took my video equipment (exept 1 tape) and locked me in a cell.
At about 5:30pm I was searched again by GARDA *** and my tape was taken
At 6:00pm GARDA *** returned my Tape
At Approx 6:15 Garda *** returns to verbaly warn me not to broadcast the video footage. At
no point had anybody explained to me what I had been detained for.
At around 8pm I was Arrested and charged with Sections 6, 9 and 19 of the Criminal Justice
act. I was releaced on £200 bail to appear on 3rd Oct. 2001 at 10:30 the fourcourts.
When detained I belived I was acting in good faith and just trying to do my job.
I am a law abiding citizen, have never broken the law, been arrested and am not a criminal. I am
a Teacher and have a good reputation to uphold and do not wish to be branded a criminal.
more soon I have very Little time to prepair Video Evidence