STATEWATCH press release, 20.9.01.
STATEWATCH | 24.09.2001 03:30
In the wake of the tragic events in the USA the European Commission has
forward a proposal for a "Framework Decision on combating terrorism" which
is being discussed today at the special meeting of EU Justice and Home
Affairs Ministers in Brussels.
An analysis of the proposal would appear to show that the intention is to
extend the definition of "terrorism" to cover public order situations.
Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, comments:
"The response of the EU to the tragic events in the US needs to be
with great care. The definition of terrorism is very similar in its scope
to the UK Terrorism Act which is drawn so wide as to endanger legitimate
The European Commission proposal on combating terrorism is either very
badly drafted, or there is a deliberate attempt to broaden the concept of
terrorism to cover protests (such as those in Gothenburg and Genoa) and
what it calls "urban violence" (often seen by local communities as
self-defence). If it is intended to slip in by the back door draconian
measures to control political dissent it will only serve to undermine the
very freedoms and democracies legislators say they are protecting"
For full report see:
forward a proposal for a "Framework Decision on combating terrorism" which
is being discussed today at the special meeting of EU Justice and Home
Affairs Ministers in Brussels.
An analysis of the proposal would appear to show that the intention is to
extend the definition of "terrorism" to cover public order situations.
Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, comments:
"The response of the EU to the tragic events in the US needs to be
with great care. The definition of terrorism is very similar in its scope
to the UK Terrorism Act which is drawn so wide as to endanger legitimate
The European Commission proposal on combating terrorism is either very
badly drafted, or there is a deliberate attempt to broaden the concept of
terrorism to cover protests (such as those in Gothenburg and Genoa) and
what it calls "urban violence" (often seen by local communities as
self-defence). If it is intended to slip in by the back door draconian
measures to control political dissent it will only serve to undermine the
very freedoms and democracies legislators say they are protecting"
For full report see:
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For US or against US?
24.09.2001 09:20
If you are with them, then you are in favour of vote fixing and election rigging.
You approve of the execution of record numbers of blacks in an institutionally racist justice system.
You elicit the ethnic cleansing of whole countries, for oil.
You support the escalation of arm sales for drugs, where people go hungry to grow opium.
You advocate the assasination of legitimate leaders, for military dictators.
You prefer multinational corporations, controlling every aspect of your lives.
You permit the media and press to lie, distort and suppress the truth.
You believe in starving the Third World, so that you may over-eat.
You are ready to use your technological superiority, for war, not peace.
You accept the enslavement of the disempowered, to serve the elite.
And in your misplaced patriotism, you are prepared to give up your freedom, to protect your freedom.
your too soft on ''em
24.09.2001 11:35
this whole unsustainable world of which a large % is in the hands of organized crime syndicates, like the Italian mafia .
Lets' see most of the arms are delivered by some form of Mafia, as payment is often in the form of smack or Coke these two hard drugs need converting into hard cash, which is where money launderers like ashcroft berlusconi step in.
Toxic waste, which is produced in massive quantities is also "disposed of" by the Mafia.
The vast amounts of funds that are generated by these illegal scams need to be put back into the system asap, with top people involved this is no problem. In recent years the russian mafia has become involved in most sectors of this market they have proved to be the most ruthless and blood thirsty ..
American corporate companies are busy being destructive all over the world ... crime syndicates are built into the giant american corporations .. they are one and the same.
If you want to find the mafia in london they are in the most prestigious areas, Mayfair is a good place to start looking.
America is goose stepping into fascism
24.09.2001 16:39
Here is a link to an article posted in a US board about Bush giving support to Chechen rebels (they are part of the bin Laden network):