Peace Vigil in Bradford
Rachel Wild | 23.09.2001 13:08
Bradford Immigration Asylum Support and Advice Network (BIASAN) have called for a vigil for peace and to oppose increacing hostility and attacks against Moslem, Asian, Refugee and other communities and against people seeking asylum.
The Vigil will be on Saturday 29th September in Centenary Square, centre of Bradford at 4.30pm the themes are:
Mourn the dead, Gather for peace, Islam is not the enemy, War is not the solution.
"With deep respect and sympathy for the people of many nations who lost their lives in the recent attacks in the US - please gater for peace and to show support to those communities under threat of new violence.
We acknowledge that governments across the world have played a part in creating the current sittuation of impending war. For example the US, Britain and other 'western' governments bear responsibilities for the current situation in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Peoples of Afghanistan are on the brink of a major humanitarian crisis...
Show support and condemn attacks against Moslem, Afghani, Refugee and other communities..."
For more information contact Rachel at
We would apreciate volunteers to distribute publicity (originals by email to people with publisher 2000) or by post or in person, translation to community languages, placard and banner making, and translators for the vigil itself.
[BIASAN is an organisation or Refugees, people saaking asylum and their supporters. We are an organisation of people of many faiths and none, from many nationalities and of many political traditions]
Mourn the dead, Gather for peace, Islam is not the enemy, War is not the solution.
"With deep respect and sympathy for the people of many nations who lost their lives in the recent attacks in the US - please gater for peace and to show support to those communities under threat of new violence.
We acknowledge that governments across the world have played a part in creating the current sittuation of impending war. For example the US, Britain and other 'western' governments bear responsibilities for the current situation in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Peoples of Afghanistan are on the brink of a major humanitarian crisis...
Show support and condemn attacks against Moslem, Afghani, Refugee and other communities..."
For more information contact Rachel at

We would apreciate volunteers to distribute publicity (originals by email to people with publisher 2000) or by post or in person, translation to community languages, placard and banner making, and translators for the vigil itself.
[BIASAN is an organisation or Refugees, people saaking asylum and their supporters. We are an organisation of people of many faiths and none, from many nationalities and of many political traditions]
Rachel Wild