I like conspiracy theories so keep it up. I especially enjoyed the bit about the implants. Maybe they've fitted you with an implant which enables you to talk out of your arse?
"To wage by force or guile eternal war, Irreconcilable, to our Grand Foe" (God.) Satan thought it was "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." Soon, innumerable obeyed his voice. He desecrated all God's Holy Sites with golden graven images (false gods) and gave devils to adore for deities. One of these was Moloch, worshipped at Bohemian Grove by the Illuminati Brotherhood.
My heart bleeds for the mindless morons, being sucked in by these evil deeds, by wicked, power-hungry men. Did you notice before the G8 in Genoa, the Pope had an audince with Putin, Berlusconi, Bush, Blair and Sharon? ALL GANGSTERS!
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23.09.2001 00:39
justified ancients of mu mu
e-mail: fatbongo@aol.com
It's all true!
23.09.2001 10:35
My heart bleeds for the mindless morons, being sucked in by these evil deeds, by wicked, power-hungry men. Did you notice before the G8 in Genoa, the Pope had an audince with Putin, Berlusconi, Bush, Blair and Sharon? ALL GANGSTERS!
Illumined One