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Vigil for peace held in Manchester

sk | 20.09.2001 18:58

Tonight (20 sept) a vigill for peace was held in Manchester.

A group of more than 50 people gathered for a silent vigil on the steps of the Friends Meeting House for a silent vigil between 17.00 and 18.00. A couple of hundred leaflets were given out to a generally receptive public. Even a TV camera turned up (possibly Granada Tonight). Banners included 'peace is the way' and 'war means infinate injustice'.

It seems that most people eitheer don't want war or ambivalent. I didn't hear one criticism of the vigil from the public. We really can make a difference.



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What are you talking about?

21.09.2001 09:03

There were several polls in yesterday's papers showing what people wanted - why didn't you quote from them? Is it because they contradicted your views and the few people that you bothered to speak to?

Paul Edwards

Public opinion

21.09.2001 10:47

There is no such thing as public opinion. Any person`s opinion is formed through discussion and action with other people and it is far more real and honest than the bloody statistics.

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