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Gatecrash Labour's Party

Gatecrashers | 20.09.2001 17:22

Considering recent events, our presence will also be marked with a clear anti-war character.

On September the 30th, New Labour’s annual conference starts in Brighton. Surrounded by a security cordon and hundreds of cops, the government will make decisions behind closed doors. Those who oppose their agenda of creeping privatisation, the criminalisation of asylum seekers, genetic engineering and the outlawing of protest are not invited to join their party. The corporate nightmare of globalisation, to which New Labour is now an unambiguous friend, tolerates no opposition, and those on the receiving end of these policies will be kept away at all costs.

All over the world, the representatives of capitalism meet in exclusion zones, always protected by fences and the police: Seattle in November ’99, Prague in September 2000, Quebec in April 2001, Genoa in July 2001…But each time, demonstrators have taken to the streets to confront their power. At the same time as the conference in Brighton, Washington DC will be targeted by thousands of protesters joining forces against the IMF and the World Bank. Just like them, we have decided to take direct action to ensure that Labour’s conference does not go as smoothly as they want it to.

Although there may be some argument inside the conference, we all know it’s going to be a stitch up, with the leadership always firmly in charge. We have no illusions about lobbying the Labour Party, hoping that through this fake radicalism we can increase our membership lists. We can leave that job to the Lefties…

Although Blair called anti-capitalist demonstrators an ‘anarchist travelling circus’, this conference is the real media circus –an empty display neatly orchestrated by the leadership to look good on TV. For our part, we’re fed up with these farce, designed only to sell Labour to their corporate sponsors.

Gatecrash Labour’s Party

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Hide the following 3 comments


20.09.2001 22:57

......Gate fuckin Smash, mate!


Plan B?

21.09.2001 14:42

Of course there's a very real possibility the conference will be called off due to the start of military hostilities, or war as it's otherwise known.

Maybe the protest should go ahead even if the conference is cancelled, on the anti-war tip? (as is being done by some groups in Washington now that the IMF/WB meeting is cancelled).


If only that simple

21.09.2001 21:03

I don't think that the government will be making any decisions at the Labour Party conference - I think it will be the Labour Party. The government wouldn't leave decisions to a conference even thogh ithe whole thing will be tightly controlled of course. Ande the Labour party still has ( afew) people whio are all right - if misguided and foolish and wasting their time - but genuinely think they are making the world a better place for working class people and communities. Maybe you should have pint with them and engage in your own neighbourhoods and communities a bit instead of playing at being revolutionaries. You need to understand the enemy. It will take a bit more tahn trashing some meaningless party conference! Educate yourselves - try "All power to the imagination!" by Dave Douglass (Class War Federation 1999)
