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Britney use tragedy for increased record sales

St Elsewhere | 20.09.2001 15:48

While Britney el al begin to donate some of their millions to the victims of the WTC plane crashes, most of the world doesn't give a toss

Can you believe it? Britney and her yank buddies are raising money for the merchant bankers killed in the World Trade Centre distaster? These guys weren't poor and their families are not struggling. In fact, most of the families will each receive a generous $1 million life insurance hand-out. Never mind the millions of Afghan refugees created after the US walked away after its proxy war with the Soviets in Afghanistan. In American minds, they can starve to death.
Let's face it, 90 per cent of yanks are self-obsessed ignorant scum and sadly there just isn't a plane big enough to bring their empire to a halt and save the world from their avarice and aggression.

St Elsewhere


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21.09.2001 02:34

Shit me, that's harsh!
I think the money is more for the firemen and their families rather than the world trade employees.
Still, Britney and Jacko singing together?! Hardly what the victims or the world needs right now is it?


Response to Britney

21.09.2001 07:33

Whilst I agree that Britney Spears may well be capitalising on the anxiety/horror of many Americans & others re. the WTC attacks, I imagine that there were lots of "working class" victims in the WTC; the cleaners, the janitors, the dishwashers & bus-boys who worked in the restaurant at the top. . .probably lots of other working stiffs who we'll never hear about. . .isn't that always the way? Like Chomsky recently wrote, it's always the workers at the bottom of the social strata who seem to get the worst of it. However, it will be interesting to learn how much money will go to the relatives of the "minimum wage" earners.

Richard Neal
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forgotten victims?

21.09.2001 10:41

If anyone does want to help out the families of "the forgotten victims" (as the BBC describe the non-bankers) may I suggest checking out the appeal launched by the public service union SEIU?

Ben Drake
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Britney rant

21.09.2001 13:35

People are people, whatever they do for a living and wherever they happen to be born. Suffering is suffering whether you work as a banker or sleep rough. Let's not confuse the US government with its people - God knows, I would hate to be held responsible for the British government! However, I agree that it is painful to see that in its first week the appeal for wealthy Americans has raised five times more than the appeal for the far greater number of casualties in the Indian earthquake. Maybe those of us who cringe at the millions raised for fully insured bankers should make a protest donation to the people who really need it - a more positive response than slagging off the bereaved in America?

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21.09.2001 13:38

ok heres the song.
B A E F#
As a musician I am absolutely horrified.

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21.09.2001 21:18

indeed. america could acuratly be described as the scummy scurge of the world, and (although no innocent people deserve to be murdered) its about time they became accounable for their crimes. yous really should have thought about your own actions before fucking up the world.
