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Press manipulation

Jo | 19.09.2001 12:41

Media manipulation of recent events.
Received this and have translated, but my French is a little rusty, so have included original too.

"The attacks on the WTC took place at 14:56 Central European time - 19:56 in Palestine. Yet, the images shown of celebration in the streets look like they took place in the afternoon, not the evening. So, it appears, these images were taken BEFORE the attacks. Research revealed that these images came from archives dated 1991, when the palestiniens celebrated the invasion of Kuwait.
This sheds new light on the events - a whole host of unasked and unanswered questions remain."

"Les 'attentats' ont eu lieu a 14h56 ET. Il etait donc quelque chose comme 19h56 en Palestine. Or les images montraient des enfants dansant dehors a une heure d'apres midi, surement pas de debut de soiree. Donc ces images, en provenance de CNN, ont ete prises AVANT les attentats. Quel ane! En me renseignant, j'ai appris que ces images proviendraient d'archives de 1991, ou les petits palestiniens se rejouissaient de l'invasion du Koweit. Comme si la femme de 26 reagissait comme la gamine de 16. Cela jette un relief nouveau sur les evenements, et bon nombres de questions inexplicitees et inexpliques restent, notamment sur les modalites de ces actes dits terroristes."

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This is untrue

20.09.2001 13:54

This has been going around for a week now..started off as a rumour by a guy in Brazil (do a search for earlier postings ).I have seen it being rewritten to look it is from BBC and when contacted they disclaim it..i have checked into the archive images it and it is total rubbish. If we are to be believed, lets get our facts straight eh?

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