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Bush tied to Bin Laden !!!

anon | 18.09.2001 08:38

Bush recieved money to make it in business from Bin Laden's dad the steel magnate. Must have taken alot of bribery to get the world to ignore this idiots English speaking skills.

by driver8 11:54pm Mon Sep 17 '01

"James R. Bath, friend and neighbor of George W. Bush, was used as a cash funnel from Osama bin Laden's rich father, Sheikh bin Laden, to set George W. Bush up in business, according to reputable sources from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times."

"James R. Bath, friend and neighbor of George W. Bush, was used as a cash funnel from Osama bin Laden's rich father, Sheikh bin Laden, to set George W. Bush up in business, according to reputable sources from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. The connection between GW Bush, the bin Laden family, and the Bank Commerce Credit International (BCCI) is well documented. The excerpts from the books and news articles are supplemented by the links at the bottom of the page to the cash flow charts of the bin Laden-backed BCCI money which was funneled into the Bush family in return for favors. Just click on the links at the bottom of the page to see the flow charts and use the back and forward keys on the screen to return to this page where you can then access the next flow chart link.

"Bath--who made his fortune by investing money for Mahfouz and another BCCI-connected Saudi, Sheikh bin-Laden--...was an original investor in George Bush Jr.'s oil exploration company..." from The Outlaw Bank, page 229.

"Bath provided financing to George W. Bush, the future president's eldest son, when he went into the oil business..." from False Profits, page 365.

"Bath told me he was in the CIA...he had been recruited by George Bush himself 1n 1976 when Bush was director of the agency...Bath and George, Jr. were pals and flew together in the same Air National Guard unit, and Bath lived down the street from the Bush family when George, Sr. was living in Houston...he became representative for Sheikh Khalid of the richest men in the world, and he was a controlling shareholder in...BCCI..." from The Outlaw Bank, page 228.

"BCCI was charged with laundering drug money..." from False Profits, page 433.

"During George Bush's tenure as CIA director, the agency was allegedly involved in a very curious business deal with James R. Bath, a Texas businessman who is a friend and sometime financial backer of one of Bush's sons (George Bush, Jr.). Bath was also a business associate of Khalid bin Mafouze and an important BCCI insider." from"

Rest of the story at:



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What does this tell us?

18.09.2001 13:51

1. The bush and the bin laden family have strong financial ties. What state would these be in if Osama was executed by bush? IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. Even if they catch him it'll be a phony execution like that of McVeigh.

2. What would be the state of their business deals if dear old osama blew up the world trade centre without consulting bushybabe first? Pretty dead in the water i would imagine. Bush knew what was going to happen (and he wasn't the only one!)

3. This is a phony war!!! A war of convenience if you prefer.

COME ON GUYS, A PLANE FLYING INTO THE PENTAGON??? They would have shot it down before it even caught sight of the damn thing.

Bush knows he can capitalise on this and if a few businessmen and a few million a-rabs have to die for it, then its a worthwhile deal isn't it???
