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Spartacist League Statement on WTC attack

Spartacist League | 17.09.2001 18:34

As the world's biggest terrorists--British and US imperialism--seek to manipulate public outrage at the indiscriminate, criminal act of terror against the World Trade Center, we warn that workers and minorities must defend the Muslim population in Britain and all victims of Labour's racist witch hunt.
Only socialist revolution can stop the madness of imperialist war!

Spartacist League
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Aren't the Sparts really the CIA?

18.09.2001 12:30

Aren't the Sparts really the CIA?
And why do they all dress and sound the same?CREEPY!

Fluffy Girl.

Where Were You?

18.09.2001 12:33


I sincerely doubt that anyone comes to Indymedia looking to read a long pre-prepared statement by the Spartacist League, I certainly didn’t. I have no wish to get into the kind of tedious slanging match they spend most of their time trying to provoke, but a couple of things need a reply.

1. The Socialist Alliance. Many people in Britain wanted to stand up and be counted at the last election, they wanted to express their unhappiness with Labours failure to do anything to end poverty, environmental destruction or the growth of the multinationals. A vote for The Socialist Alliance was a protest vote, I don’t see how that is ‘supporting Labour’s re-election’. The Spartacist League has often attacked other Left groups for calling for a vote for Labour, now they attack them for calling for a vote against Labour…. I’m confused, sounds like they are too.

2. The fight against the Russian Invasion of Afghanistan was not a ‘Proxy War’ by the US. To say that is hugely insulting to the thousands of ordinary people who died fighting back a brutal Stalinist regime. That the US elements of the uprising for its own ends does not deny the fact that they had independent roots and importance. Those who supported the genuine popular movement in Afghanistan were right to do so.

3. The SWP do support the end of Britain’s occupation of Northern Ireland. They just don’t shout it over and over and over mechanically in a whiny voice like some people do….

And lastly, I’d just like to say to the Spartacist League ‘Where were you?’ You attack our Trade Unions, -but you aren’t a part of trying to make them more confident and radical. You attack The Socialist Alliance, but you weren’t a part of trying to build and develop it. Where were you on Mayday? Where were you in Genoa? Lots of us were there, and we were scared, and excited and proud that we were really part of something strong and new and important….. but we had a good look, and we couldn’t see any of you!

A. Robson

Against fake "left" lies and anti-communism.

13.04.2002 22:39

The sort of comments made in reply to this statement by the International Communist League/Spartacist League are impotent and hypocritical, but most importantly they are typical of the sort of reactionary, anti-communist and self-proclaimed 'left' cover used against this organisation, the members of which struggle against the bourgeoisie, capitalism and imperialism internationally.

To begin with, as for 'aren't the sparts really the CIA?'– we can assume from the name given by the author that they are a waste of all serious revolutionary's time, but the argument they advance is no hilarity; it is a real accusation leveled against the ICL and Spartacist League in confidence by ostentibly revolutionary organisations such as the British SWP, formerly lead by the late Tony Cliff. Anyone with any real knowledge of the politics of the ICL knows that this accusation is pure crap. The ICL/SL have nothing to do with the US, British or any other capitalist, imperialist state and can be identified as their most forward enemies, a far cry from being employed as their agents. It would be far more appropriate to accuse the SWP and similar organisations of working with the CIA; they supported the CIA funded and backed Mujaheddin against the Soviet Red Army in Afghanistan in 1979 and more recently they backed Ken Livingstone for London Mayor, who upon his election appointed former CIA agent and New York strike-breaker Bob Kiley as his transport minister! Now, if that isn't the sort of thing that benefits the CIA, I don't know what is.

Those were but two of many examples where the SWP, Workers' Power and such "socialist" and "revolutionary", arrogantly self-proclaimed "trotskyist" organisations have used the same line as the imperialists who they claim to fight. The sooner their membership realise this and choose a true revolutionary, communist organisation as exemplified by the International Communist League, the sooner the fight for international socialist revolution will be victorious.

The fact of this matter is that the Socialist Alliance and Stop the War Coalition popular fronts –with member organisations such as the SWP, Workers' Power, the Communist Party of Great Britain and the Alliance for Workers' Liberty – fraudulently use their claim to being "revolutionary socialists" and such like to do such unprincipled, frankly disgusting things as call for people to "vote socialist where you can, vote Labour where you must". The words are there, as clear as air and as transparent as a vaccum; a call for a vote to the same capitalist imperialism which spearheads the killing and massacre of trade unionists, workers' and leftists from Northern Ireland, to Palestine, Columbia, Argentina, Turkey, the list goes on, and of course at home.

All who truly support the fight of the working classes internationally to overthrow capitalism and build socialism as the only hope for human progress must denounce those fraudulent organisations which claim to carry the banner of socialism as as much an obstacle to communist revolution as capitalism itself. In fact, they are the greater obstacle, for it is they who chain the proletariat–the only progressive force with the power to overthrow capitalism– to their oppressors.

Communism is not "dead" as both the capitalists AND the fake "left" claim but preparing to finish the bourgeoisie once and for all. Join us in our struggle, we have nothing to lose but our chains, we have a world to win.

Antid Oto