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CCHR Internationl statement on the terrorist attacks

Citizens Commission on Human Rights Internati | 16.09.2001 03:54


"As an international human rights organization, we offer our heartfelt
condolences to the families of the victims of this inhumane and heinous
terrorist attack on innocent American citizens. While these acts of
unspeakable evil defy our comprehension, we must retain our certainty that
these are the cowardly actions of weak and insane minds, minds that are
psychologically indoctrinated to feel nothing about the mass murder of
innocent lives," stated Jan Eastgate, President of the Citizens Commission
on Human Rights International (CCHR).

"Gordon Thomas, author of Journey into Madness, warned us about the Beirut,
Lebanon terrorist psychiatrist, Dr. Aziz al-Abub, who provided 'pep pills'
for suicide-bombers and implanted them with the idea of the glory of
sacrifice and dying. His greater target was the minds of the people,
creating tension in the streets in the aftermath of terrorism. This is
tension that we must unite together to prevent in the people of America."

"CCHR, of course, supports a full investigation into this horrific tragedy
but warns that such an investigation must not stop at isolating the
individuals directly responsible, but must also determine what mental
techniques and manipulation were used to turn those individuals into
mindless murderers."

CCHR's evidence of psychiatric influence behind Bosnia and Kosovo's civil
terrorism led to Members of the Council of Europe in 1999 signing a
resolution that recognized psychiatrists Radovan Karadzic and Jovan Raskovic
as the architects of ethnic cleansing in those countries. Prime Minister
Slobovan Milosovic, a former Karadzic patient, perpetrated and financed
Kosovo's ethnic cleansing.

With reports accusing Osama bin Laden of being the source of the WTC and
Pentagon attacks, CCHR's attention has turned to his chief aide, Ayman
al-Zawahiri, a former psychiatrist convicted of terrorism in Egypt and
sentenced to death in absentia.

According to Islamic lawyer, Muntasir Zayat, Zawahiri is to bin Laden "what
the brain is to the body." Zawahiri "was able to reshape bin Laden's
thinking and mentality and turn him from merely a supporter of the Afghan
Jihad to a believer in and export of the Jihad's ideology," the lawyer said.

CCHR has called on its 131 chapters worldwide to accelerate their
investigations and exposure of those who use destructive mental practices
for political ends.

CCHR was established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology to investigate and
expose psychiatric human rights abuses.

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Citizens Commission on Human Rights Internati
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The above is not a news article

16.09.2001 14:51

It is a piece of fantasy aimed to promote the science-fiction religious cult of 'Scientology', which exploits vulnerable, lonely people many of whom have mental health problems.

I don't think this site should be misused for religious advertising, whether for L. Ron Hubbard or Billy Graham for that matter.



17.09.2001 13:43

This posting was removed as it is a promotion for the Scientologists and not a news item.

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