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NYfrom a docklands perspective

nugget | 14.09.2001 17:22

we had just pushed through police lines when the wtc attack was announced

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14.09.2001 17:32

Well Colin, if you seriously think that the WTC and Pentagon bombings, with the deaths of thousands of innocent people, have done any good for the anti-capitalist movement, or are the first step in making the world a safer place... then I am afraid you are a stupid fucking dipshit^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^ sadly mistaken.

The share prices of oil companies and defence companies will be the one guaranteed good in the bad times ahead. That, and the clampdown on civil liberties beginning already, with the UK considering introducing ID cards.


Personal response to US attacks from UK anarc

14.09.2001 17:57

Statement I posted onto NYC IMC today.

Brothers and sisters, my thoughts are with you and the families of the working class people whose lives were so cruely snuffed out in Tuesday's horrific acts of violence.

I, as a revolutionary anarchist, fully condemn the attacks, as I did when US led forces massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Bagdhad and Belgrade, and hope that some good can come from this.

There has been heated debate amongst myself and comrades here in London as we discussed how we felt about what had happened. Some believe -as to an extent do I- that the US (or the West in general) must reap what it sows, and that had there been as much outrage across the corporate media during the murders in Iraq and every other place in the world the West has, and continues to bomb and batter, then this tradgedy may not have happened.

We fear massive global repression of all dissidents the world over on an unprecedented scale, ourselves included.

It is looking increasingly likely that there will be an invasion of Afghanistan, a desperate and desolate place due to years of civil war and sanctions inmposed by the UN, which can only result in more horror and loss of life.

It will not end there, so we, the 'ordinary' peaceful people of this planet must make sure it ends here. right now.

This is an opportunity for the governments of the 'new world order' to finally crush all opposition to their terrorising of the planet and its people.

It is also an opportunity for us to use what has happened -as awful as it was- as a catalyst for our causes and to begin, finally, now that the voters have woken-up and smelt the Starbucks, to educate and, ultimately, liberate and create the world we want to live in.

The stakes are high, but we cannot afford to fail.

Love, rage, peace, tears, solidarity and strength...xx

Rascalling Pixie
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respect to all...

14.09.2001 18:48

full respect, upsetter


Alfred Scott
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The attack on the WTC & its military wing

14.09.2001 23:12

I too was at DSEI when the news from the US started to come through. My initial reaction was also one of disbelief. Even when I got to the pub afterwards, where the images of the plane flying into the second tower and the collapse of the building were being played and replayed endlessly on a big screen, the pictures looked so much like clips from a Hollywood disaster movie that the reality took a while to sink in.

I was aware of the immediate emotional responses of people around me which, it is true, were not overwhelmingly negative. I felt a mixture of awe at the enormity of brilliantly targeted destruction wreaked against the World Trade Centre and its military wing, by people with probably minimal resources, and horror at the appalling loss of life (I don’t say loss of ‘innocent lives’ as some have done, because I don’t regard individual blame as a particularly useful concept in politics and I also worry about the dehumanisation of ones opponents which is used to suggest that hurting supposedly ‘guilty’ people is unproblematic).

The much-trailed revenge attack by the US has not yet occurred, and neither have we had the show trial of bin Laden or whoever ends up being chosen as the most convenient hate-figure. Nevertheless the dust is starting to settle a bit and I think it’s possible to start looking beyond emotional reactions to the significance of this event.

The invulnerability of the US, as a power with the technical superiority to dominate the world militarily by delivering ‘surgical strikes’, with no fear that it will suffer casualties except by ‘friendly fire’ or its own depleted uranium, has been punctured.

The last war in which the USA received significant casualties was Vietnam. Although each of the deaths and disabilities to US soldiers was a tragedy to the individuals and families involved, the overall result was the defeat of the US and the radicalisation of many people all around the world. This could not have occurred without those US casualties. A major factor in the ability of the Vietnamese to offer serious military resistance was the availability of weaponry from the USSR which was possibly only a couple of years behind that of the USA in its technical level. (Even so, many Vietnamese died for every US casualty).

Now the rich capitalist countries, especially the USA, are so technically and politically powerful that not only do countries in potential opposition have little or no power to use military force, but people who would be prepared to use force against the US and its allies are unlikely to get into a position to do so.

Except, of course, for people who were formerly agents or clients of the US who later ‘turn’ or become inconvenient - like Noriega, Saddam, Milosevich... and bin Laden.

The acceptance of ‘peace deals’ on unfavourable terms by formerly strong anti-imperialist movements (the ANC abandoned the Freedom Charter and agreed to continuation of capitalism in South Africa, while the PLO fared even worse with the Palestinians given a status similar to the Bantustans under apartheid!) was largely a response to the ‘unipolar’ new world order.

With sustained sanctions against Iraq to discourage anyone from developing chemical weapons (the poor man’s nukes) and development of star wars to render the US impenetrable to missile strikes, the Pentagon appeared to be aiming towards total military invulnerability for the USA - something that even some other NATO countries felt uneasy about (after all, they have their own commercial and political spheres of influence to advance and protect).

Now comes a devastating attack, by twenty or so people armed with craft knives and a plan which includes the certainty of their own death, on the WTC and the Pentagon.

The very success of the USA is exposed as part of its weakness. In the arrogance of its power it has turned highly competent, cool, calm people, into people who will competently, calmly, commit suicide in order to harm it. The technology of advanced capitalism - in this case the jet airliner and the office tower block - was used against itself.

The repression and air strikes which Bush and other NATO leaders are boasting about, if implemented, will do nothing to remedy this problem. Which of the countries whose leaders were put there by themselves do they attack? And repression would only confirm the view already held by some that nothing worthwhile can be achieved except by... terrorism.

What is already being openly said by many, including the former British Ambassador to NATO (Independent, 14th September), is that this incident is a sign that a world order in which wealth and power are so disproportionately in the hands of the US and its allies is inherently unstable.



15.09.2001 00:32

Is it neccessary to insult people's opinions? We are all in the same boat and it's sinking! FEMA is running America, the NWO is HERE.

There was a gigantic curved chemtrail on Wednesday morning over Central London, which was a no-fly zone, from Tuesday.

Today, Friday, the sky looked like the Devil was playing noughts & crosses, and normal flights have not resumed.

I watched the jets, use the sky as a canvas, all day.

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No fly my eye!

15.09.2001 09:53

At around 6.00 am Friday there seemed to be an inbound flight to Heathrow, flying low over Brixton. Looked like Quantas or Air Canada. (couldnt make it out too clearly.)


response to davids insult

29.12.2001 02:31

david insults are not necessary having pre considered all the points u made anyway any fool could tell that arms would go up not so oil you twerp study the financial markets and learn about opec and price fixing agenda and see who is the real dipshit around here rest assured the reduction of our civil liberties in this country and others shall not go unnopposed and the implementation of the fascist regime was on the cards anyway twin towers or not
so in all honesty having considered your point of view i think you are somewhat naive to suggest that i am the dipshit here and i suggest you do a little research on subject matter like i said before the deaths on sept 11 have replaced the jfk legacy as the new marker for the westernised world and unprecedented coverage has ensured that the selective use of imagery is imprinted in our minds
if similiar coverage was afforded atrocities the world over do you think america and its allies would have such unprecedented support for military action i dont so needless to say i am sticking by my point of view with the right to reserve judgement on the real perpetrators of the attacks on twin towers as far as i am concerned real good will triumph over military might anyway so let the dictators challenge the people there is no way they are going to isolate and divide the resistance groups the world over their time will come what goes around comes around and the face of human imperialism will be wiped out altogether the masses are gathering the revolution is near peace to good folk everywhere
