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CNN Palestinian images are old

Dubious | 14.09.2001 16:18

The images CNN has been broadcasting of Paestinians celebrating Tuesdays airstrikes on NY and Washington were taken in 1991 (alledgedly) - Please contact me if you can corroborate this story.

> From: "Marcio A. V. de Carvalho"
> Subject: Fourth Power
> All around the world we are subjected to 3 or 4 huge
> news distributors, and one of them - as you well
> know
> - is CNN. Very well, I guess all of you have been
> seeing (just as I've been) images from this company.
> In particular, one set of images called my
> attencion:
> the Palestinians celebrating the bombing, out on the
> streets, eating some cake and making funny faces for
> the camera.
> are
> images of Palestinians celebrating the invasion of
> Kuwait! It's simply unacceptable that a super-power
> of
> cumminications as CNN uses images which do not
> correspond to the reality in talking about so
> serious
> an issue.
> A teacher of mine, here in Brazil, has videotapes
> recorded in 1991, with the very same images; he's
> been
> sending emails to CNN, Globo (the major TV network
> in
> Brazil) and newspapers, denouncing what I myself
> classify as a crime against the public opinion. If
> anyone of you has access to this kind of files,
> search
> for it.
> In the meanwhile, I'll try to 'put my hands' on a
> copy
> of this tape. But now, think for a moment about the
> impact of such images. Your people is hurt,
> emotionally fragile, and this kind broadcast have
> very
> high possibility of causing waves of anger and rage
> against Palestinians. It's simply irresponsible to
> show images such as those.
> ____________
> ===8 text===========

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I haven't looked at these images, but....

14.09.2001 18:16

I haven't looked at these images myself (we have a slow data connection so never look at pictures). However there are two things to keep in mind:

a) Not all the lies are told from "their" side. TAKE A LOOK AT THE IMAGES FOR YOURSELVES. Look closely for anachronisms that might disprove the 1991 claim. For example I've seen a comment claiming that cell phones appear visable, also a Pepsi logo adopted post '91. Any vehicles present post '91 models?

b) Use of "morgue" pictures don't actually disprove a story. News media today "need a picture" and when current pictures aren't available sometimes use archive shots which supposedly show the same thing. Not best practice but they do it. In other words, if a reporter is calling in and reporting what he or she is seeing, if they can't get a current shot.......

So check the VERBAL reports of what was going on. Hey, I wouldn't blame young Palestinians from cheering just like I wouldn't blame the older leaders from making public sympathy statements regardless of how they privately feel. Or actually, don't even doubt the sincerity of their regret (just perhaps the reason for it -- this may be a disaster for any hope of getting the US to pressure Israel).


There is no truth in this at all

15.09.2001 11:35

I have talked with the Brazillian person two days ago who put this original posting out and he admits it is untrue.
He heard it wrong and it was based entirely on rumour
If our own media is to be taken seriously I urge people to properly check their facts before blaming the mainstream media for spreading untruths.


Untrue- heres the facts

15.09.2001 11:40

This is the email that the guy replied when i challenged him on this ridiculous rumour.

From Marcio A. V. de Carvalho"

Dear all,

Last September 13, I’ve sent an email to this list in which I provided
some information about the falsity of the images of Palestinian
celebration for the terrorism in USA, information given to me by a
teacher. I spent the last day looking for that teacher, and,
unfortunately, when I found her, she DENIED having access to such

She said that she was sure she had seen the images back in 1991, but SHE
CAN’T PROVE. She was not willing to provide further information, DENYING
what she had said before to a full class of students.

I sincerely apologize for this uncertain information; unfortunately I
can’t prove the information contained in my last post; IT’S ONLY A
bought the idea myself, and reproduced it for you because of the
importance of it, in the case it was to be confirmed.

Whatever news I get I’ll pass to you.

Best regards

Márcio A. V. Carvalho


Nothing to see here, move along now...

15.09.2001 11:45

Whenever the film shown on the BBC was shot, it was
clearly dubious.

If it's shown again, put yourself in the camera-creature's
shoes. Two-thirds of the way through the main clip s/he
starts panning across the "crowd" from left to right--and
comes to a juddering halt on running out of people, giving
us a glimpse of empty street.

In the whole package I saw maybe three adults and ten kids
"celebrating", and another dozen people (those in cars, etc)
looking a bit bemused in other shots. All "tight shots" on
small numbers.

Compare with other footage of Palestinians celebrating:
thousands of people in shot and dozens of militia firing
guns into the air.

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