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Personal response to US attacks from UK anarchist

Rascalling Pixie | 14.09.2001 14:37

Personal response to US attacks from UK anarchist

Brothers and sisters, my thoughts are with you and the families of the working class people whose lives were so cruely snuffed out in Tuesday's horrific acts of violence.

I, as a revolutionary anarchist, fully condemn the attacks, as I did when US led forces massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Bagdhad and Belgrade, and hope that some good can come from this.

There has been heated debate amongst myself and comrades here in London as we discussed how we felt about what had happened. Some believe -as to an extent do I- that the US (or the West in general) must reap what it sows, and that had there been as much outrage across the corporate media during the murders in Iraq and every other place in the world the West has, and continues to bomb and batter, then this tradgedy may not have happened.

We fear massive global repression of all dissidents the world over on an unprecidented scale, ourselves included.

It is looking increasingly likely that there will be an invasion of Afghanistan, a desperate and desolate place due to years of civil war and sanctions inmposed by the UN, which can only result in more horror and loss of life.

It will not end there, so we, the 'ordinary' peaceful people of this planet must make sure it ends here. right now.

This is an opportunity for the governments of the 'new world order' to finally crush all opposition to their terrorising of the planet and its people.
It is also an opportunity for us to use what has happened -as awful as it was- as a catalyst for our causes and to begin, finally, now that the voters have woken-up and smelt the Starbucks, to educate and, ultimately, liberate and create the world we want to live in.

The stakes are high, but we cannot afford to fail. I love all of you beautiful people.

Love, rage, peace, tears, solidarity and strength...xx

Rascalling Pixie
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total state control

14.09.2001 22:42

i think the west has for a long time now been envying the total supreme control of the masses that many third world dictatorship tyrants command, and hav been longin for the moment when they too can experience exercising uninhibited coersive might over their bowin subjects, such a contrived opportunity as this will enables them to take the reigns of power, supreme unchallenged control and domination of their subjects. under the pretence of defending freedom, the freedom of ordinary people will be severely curtailed. protecting the imaginary concept of freedom whilst activists, trade unionists and anyone who voices dissent or refuses to conform to the norm, will be catogorised as sympathetic to the state's concept of a terrorist. there will be no room left for dissent, those who question, who protest or dissent will be branded unpatriotic, undemocratic and therefore if you are not a friend you are a foe and you will be destroyed this is the language of the state. total state control.
