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some one don't like yankeees ?

Luther Blissett | 11.09.2001 14:26

i one wonder if they'll blame it on the black black !
I bet Col ghedafty is digging in right now ..

what can I say

Luther Blissett


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well now guys and gals

11.09.2001 20:39

iz sept 11th a speacial day of significance for neo-nazis?, who knows, but we've gotta hav a larf at oul tony blur, skwirming, and all flustered, itz like lady dis funeral all over again, the capitalist media r havin a field day, news report after news report, same oul boring keek. pure unadulterated oul keek, thats wat the yanks get for fundin them taliban maniacs, the yanks supplied them wif the arms, to fight the russians, and now the taliban r runnin amok, either that or itz the neo-nazis, andy strassmeir and his ilk. no doubt the worlds junta will use it to justify all kinds of repressive measures. its touchin to see oul tone wif his crocodile tears, obviously there were no tears for carlo, when the babaric junta nazi genoa pigs, had there day. well wat goes around comes around. you've gotta larf.

larfing policeman

you can bank on it

11.09.2001 23:23

red shield funded both sides in both WW1 and WW2 .
looks like someone is putting a deposit on the rights to
WW3. and besides it might turn out to be right wing americans

Luther blissett


12.09.2001 08:55

Can the level of discussion on these pages get much lower than the ramblings above?

Paul Edwards