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'Amused' Queen Mother scotches death rumours

The Times | 10.09.2001 02:31

Call off the street parties, the old hag is still alive. Still it is only a matter of time before she kicks the bucket so hang on to your 'Queen Mum: Good Riddance' stickers - it won't be long.

The Times - Monday September 10 2001

'Amused' Queen Mother scotches death rumours
By Helen Studd

QUEEN Elizabeth the Queen Mother has been "amused" by rumours of her demise, a member of her staff said yesterday - so amused that she made a point of proving them wrong by turning out for church with her family near Balmoral. "She is determined to show her public that they were 100 per cent untrue," the staff member said.

Although looking frail, the Queen Mother smiled and waved to wellwishers who gathered in the mist and rain outside Crathie Kirk. Clutching a walking stick in her right hand and the handrail in her left she waved aside offers of support and climbed the steps to a side entrance unaided. She was still smiling when she left the church an hour later and waved enthusiastically from her Daimler.

The rumours had spread last week after the Daily Mail reported that the Prince of Wales had cancelled a holiday with Camilla Parker Bowles because he was so concerned about his grandmother. They reached such a pitch that Buckingham Palace had to reassure inquirers that she was in good heart and enjoying her holiday.

Less than two months ago the Queen Mother had anaemia and underwent a blood transfusion. Her aides said that she was doing "remarkably well for a woman of such a great age". She has spent the past week entertaining guests at her Birkhall residence on the Balmoral estate.

The Times
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Queens bum(sorry mom)

10.09.2001 11:33

Yes,Ill admit I was worried when I saw charlie cancel an assignation with camilla parkers bowells.
The 'greek technique'taught to him by his father is so dear to the heart of bonnie prince charles that its giving up by him(and randy andy)is surely a sign of droop in the royal sceptre.
Yours etc,dirty"punks not dead it just smells that way"dick.

dirty dick

WCAR, DURBAN Alexander The great=RACIST

13.09.2001 17:18

Anyone verify this, PLEASE!
Greek government to pay compensation???

From: "Brian Durney"
Subject: [global_irl] UN forces Greece to apologise for Alexander the Great (tee hee)
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 13:28:03 +0100

DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA - The United Nations has unanimously adopted a declaration which will force Greece to apologize for the actions of Alexander the Great, following the World Conference Against Racism. Documents obtained from the conference state that Alexander was "ruthless in his drive to subjugate neighbouring cultures."

As the push for ethnic groups to find someone to blame for past wrongs grows, people have been looking further and further into the past to demand restitution. In more recent times, black citizens in the Maritimes region of Canada have decided to blame their government for breaking promises made in the late 18th century, apparently ignoring the fact that Canada did not exist until 1867 and that it was a safe-haven for runaway slaves for many decades.

"The problem of racism in this world is great," stated UN Secretary-General, Kofi Anan, in a press conference after the summit concluded. "Because it is not politically correct to blame the world's problems on everyone in general and human nature, there can be only one person at fault. That person is Alexander the Great."

Representatives from countries around the world came to the conclusion that the ancient Greek ruler was at fault for the world's current problems after lengthy discussions on Israel's current treatment of Palestinians residing in their territory. Israel denied allegations of racism, citing the suffering they endured during World War II at the hands of Nazi Germany.

Germany, in turn, blamed Britain for reacting so negatively to it's attempts at unifying the Germanic races. Britain blamed France for showing them that in order to protect their interests, acting quickly was best, as they were forced to do in North America. France then blamed Spain for bringing back mountains of gold from the New World and making them jealous and eager to sail across the Atlantic Ocean.

Spain blamed obscure invading Arab nations that crumbled centuries ago for creating an environment that fostered learning and a strong drive to explore. Representatives from the Middle East passed the blame onto Rome, stating that if the Roman legions had not conquered them two thousand years ago, they would never have decided to "visit" Spain.

An Italian delegate responded by pointing out that Rome was the only empire strong enough at the time to bring peace to the Old World amid the mess of warring city-states left over after Alexander the Great's death and the collapse of Ancient Greece.

Once Greece pointed out that Alexander was a Macedonian, and therefore not really a Greek, the conference hall erupted with shouting and laughter. "How does the Greek ambassador think that a country as poor as Macedonia had the ability to cause all the problems with racism in the world?" proclaimed one unidentified delegate.

"Now we must address the issue of restitution," added Anan. "Since Greece is responsible for changing the entire course of history, they are the ones that will ultimately have to pay. This apology is the first step, but it is not enough."

Plans are currently underway to hold a summit in early 2002 to decided exactly how much money the nation of Greece owes the rest of the world, especially since Alexander's actions have directly affected an estimated 96.74% of the human population throughout history.

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