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J. David Galland's..."Disband NATO and Throw Away the Key"

Mr. J. David Galland | 07.09.2001 19:20

In a tribute to Paratrooper Ian Collins, J.David Galland faults NATO and their "super-power" attempts to establish a new world order, at all costs. NATO, the Cold War is over, wake up! Respectfully.... J.David Galland.

Mr. J. David Galland
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08.09.2001 19:36

Comparing Londonderry or Belfast with Bosnia, Kosovo or Macedonia is more than a little ludicrous.

NATO was set up as a Cold War response, and, thankfully, was able to bring the Russian occupation of Eastern Europe to an end. To somehow tie the continuation of NATO with the introduction of the Euro is taking paranoia to new heights - or, perhaps, new depths.

What is the author's suggestion with regard to Kosovo or Macedonia - that we ignore the problem in the hope it will go away?

Nicholas Hill

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CIA watching

09.09.2001 08:36

WWWspiescafe has a good story on the cia's crazy arms dealings.

Galland bud,if your 'fair dinkum'will you join me in putting a price on the head of ollie N.Id buy that for a dollar.Operation soft drills gonna cash his cheque,why dont you put some money where your big mouth is?


Response to Mr. Hill

09.09.2001 20:38

Mr. Hill: Hmmm' I wonder if you are on George Robertson's publicity and good humor team. NATO "arrested" the spread of Communism, to a degree. It did not "overtly" spread into Western Europe, however, certainly it expanded in Eastern Europe; East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Yugoslavia as example. NATO did certainly not defeat or overcome Communism and it did not bring it to its knees, it basically fell apart, in its parent, Russia, due to rampant internal corruption. The tenant, however,of Communism is alive, well, and flourishing in this world.

One with "blinders" on, would idealistically believe that NATO is not securing the future stability of the European Currency, with its expansionism in Macedonia.

What should the world do, let Macedonia find its own way in the world and govern its own country. If the Albanian Rebels, who in reality are equipped, paid, and supplied by NATO countries, were under the control they ought to be, by the CIA who runs them, then there would be no Macedonian problem now. Check the website:, if you want to know who the rebels, ah ! ..... Albanians, are working for.
Respectfully..... J.David Galland

J.David Galland
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Sober Up Writer.!

10.09.2001 22:30

Regarding "CIA's watching entry". Sorry, I have no idea what you are trying to communicate herein, IN YOUR POSTING! Can you put down the Guinness for 24 hours and pull your thoughts together in a logical fashion? Put money where my big mouth is, yes, I have been doing that via taxation for 36 years, really enjoy my return on my investment. ....... I think you are confused. Nevertheless, thanks for reading, or thanks to whomever helped you read my article, extra kudos if you know left from right, just as a extra challenge.
J.David Galland

J.David Galland
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