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Britain blocks protection for indigenous people

Dave | 07.09.2001 11:24

Britain is blocking an attempt by the world's 300 million indigenous peoples ­ including Maoris, Aboriginals and Native Americans ­ to have their rights protected under international law, The Independent has learnt...

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Fax your MP about it!

07.09.2001 14:59

OK now what you want to do is click on the above link (is it the below link?!) and send your MP a fax!

Tell them that you're disgusted at their government's behaviour and that you hope they are too and would they please lobby hard to get the government to abandon this campaign.

All it takes for evil people to triumph is for good people to remain silent.

So don't be cynical and pessmistic. Go on, humour me ;-) Please send a fax to your MP saying that what the government is wrong. The least it'll achieve is that they'll know that there is serious resistance to this and that they don't have a democratic mandate to lobby,on behalf of George Bush and others, for the right to deny indigenous people their own rights.

Think of of implications for Chiapas, amongst other places!

It's vital that we all voice our complaints.

Subcomandante Marcos
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I think it's a good idea. :-)

07.09.2001 15:10

I've just faxed my MP (Anne Campbell of Cambridge - who also has an email address - and I would urge everyone else to do this.

It hardly takes a minute! :-)

I think this is a particularly worthwhile thing to do. Many backbenchers will be equally appalled and will want to complain. Writing to them and encouraging them to do so as a constituent will give them the extra confidence and credibility that they need to really go on the offensive and let Jack and Tony and the rest know what they think about this disgraceful and corrupt behaviour.

And make sure you urge them to ask a question in Parliament about it. Taking the issue out of the closed secrecy of the cabinet and into the open where it can be scrutinised by the whole of Parliament would certainly be worthwhile.

If your MP happens to be Jack Straw or Tony Blair or one of them then you should still write to them. At least they'll know that their constituents aren't supporting them in this.

Go on, send a fax, it really does take no time at all. :-)

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Co-operate while we dominate!

07.09.2001 15:44

"The move totally undermines the pursuit of self-determination and thus fundamental rights like land ownership, culture, language, fishing and hunting rights..."

"...And that's exactly why I am determined to introduce this clause. When will indigenous people learn? The NWO is NOT on your side!"

GW Bush