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Democracy my arse | 07.09.2001 09:13

At approximately 8.30 this morning two squats, attended by bailiffs, have been raided by police.

The borough squat, corner of Gt Dover St and Globe St. Which has a lot of tat their and was being used as an art workshop. The other squat at 126 Tooley st has seen 3 arrests. Police are not letting the people get their personal items, which is something that the bailiffs do normally.

The police have also according to eye witnesses started to smash up props which were to be used in the DSEI (Arms trade) protest on Tuesday.

An eviction order was served on the squats last week, however one of the people who had squatted the place had rung the bailiffs on Wednesday reported the bailiffs as saying they hadn’t even processed the papers yet.

The squats have been the attention of surveillance all week, including the Forward Intelligence Team. It seems the police have hurried through the procedure and to be an attempt to sabotage the protest taking place on Tuesday

Democracy my arse


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Democracy my arse

07.09.2001 10:50

If the police can break the law, why should they expect everyone else to keep it????

Solidarity - get down there if you can and *BE* SUPPORT.

If you can't - make your own props and take them with you on Tuesday.

Don't let the bastards kick you down!!!

There will be a fuck-off huge party and celebration of life on Tuesday whether THEY like it or not - WE is YOU if you make it happen! Courage and respect!

Toodle Pip


07.09.2001 12:40

So they don't like Props eh? Too much potential for violence when you're dressed up in a funny way? Well it doesn't take much preparation to cloak and gasmask up and break into the little shindig they're trying to defend. Keep it Spikey!

Arms for Protesters

3 people arrested

07.09.2001 13:13

3 people were arrested for 'conspiracy to commit violent disorder', the polices evidence was that they found
body armer and a stick with a nail in it. The police are
starting to de-legitimise self-defense and make it a
criminal act. Even though we should not be concerned
with laws, the ones that gives us a bit of protection are
always the ones that people have fought to get.

Organise, wombalise

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police hype about tooley street raid

07.09.2001 14:05

While the raid on the Tooley Street Squat was taking place, the London Ambulance Service had a fleet of ambulances and a decontamination unit on stand-by at Guy's Hospital as the Met had warned them that they would be raiding a squat where 'dangerous anarchists were hording chemical weapons' (methinks some bright spark at Scotland Yard missed the point about why people will be protesting against the DSEi arms fair next week....)



07.09.2001 15:40

Shame about the props. don't worry about the armour - we've still got most of it and we're making loads more.(bring your own if you can, though, or at least some raw materials).
Nice try plod. missed the fucking boat, shitwit. Incidentally, if you're looking for a few bodies in connection with "conspiracy to commit violent disorder" you might give the fucking excel centre a try.
see you on the barricades, motherfuckers.

N G neer
mail e-mail: nope
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Pig Scum

07.09.2001 15:58

Dont give us any shite about being asked by the bailiffs to accompany them to the squats, you pig fucks. we know the bailiffs hadn't even sorted out the papers and we know that you promted them for political reasons. so fuck you. tuesday will be beautiful and you scum can fuck off.
the revolutionary working class is on it's way, motherfuckers!

Rascalling Pixie

what actually happened

09.09.2001 21:08

There were 4 people arrested on friday's raid at tooley street and one dog! They smashed there way in at about 7:50. One was clutching a rather large cs canister with an eager( but quite dissappointed) look on his face when he saw that there was only 4 tired, fuct off (but still friendly ) people. After declining our offer of herbal tea, they told us to just gather our belongings and wait but that changed when the chief CUNTstoble entered and ordered his slaves to arrest us on suspicion of conspiring to commit violent disorder. The reason for this was that there were a few 25litre bottles containing developing fluid which was marked corrosive and some 2litre bottles with funnels in them which contained a strange yellowish liquid( to be more precise, urine). These bottles were used as the "ladies room" for the first couple of days whilst the toilets were being decontaminated( you dont want to know the shit i've been through!!!!) and then forgotten. We have been bailed without charge to return in 10 weeks. Thanx again to all those who protested in solidarity outside the station, much love.
NO matter what uniform they wear, no matter what shit they spit at us, they'll never stop us because we know the truth, and we are the future! we can make our future and we WILL!!! No justice, No peace, FUCK the police!!!!!!!!!

bulu warrior and lil'pixie