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Say NO to LSSI. Freedom of Speech in Danger in Spain

David Casacuberta | 06.09.2001 10:50

Freedom of expression is in real danger now in Spain. If the Electronic Commerce (Society of Information Services) Directive is approved, most websites that are not "properly" registered would be considered illegal and have to face enormous fees which will in fact paralyse their activity forever.

David Casacuberta
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Easy soloution to this one..

06.09.2001 16:21

There's an easy soloution to this one - host your web sites elsewhere. Laugh as the Spanish government's attempts at censorship lead to a collapse of it's communications industry.


you cannot run and hide forever

07.09.2001 12:54

setting up somewhere else is ok for one-offs, but this bollocks is spreading like wildfire, so in other countries you find other laws, like the RIP bill in UK. Servers like collectivelly run and hosting lots of äntagonistic¨stuff would have to move machines across borders not just `'a website'... dificult solution
