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Junk Journalism

Sister of Mercy | 06.09.2001 10:36

Sue Carroll, colunmist for the Daily Mirror says that the government won't broach the subject of refugees for fear of being branded "barking-mad-racists." She obviously has no qualms about that herself!

I found the Daily Mirror in the gutter, where it belongs, but since I don’t buy or read the propaganda press, out of curiosity I picked it up to see what drivel the brainwashed masses are being fed. There was the usual ‘celebrity’ trivia on the front page, but inside something more sinister was lurking, Sue Carroll.

In an unbridled Xenophobic tirade, she urges our troops to be deployed in preventing “rogue refugees” breaching our borders. What was once described as a ‘flood’ of immigrants, is now called a “tidal wave” by Sue Carroll, although the way she portrays asylum seekers as “swarming” the Channel Tunnel in a “violent stampede” sounds more like a mega tsunami!

She says hordes of “fit” young men are “raiding the tunnel” encouraged by a generous “package of rights to benefits” like vouchers, which they have the audacity to openly exchange for cash! She implies they have no desire to contribute to our economy, happy to depend on hand-outs.

The truth is, in Europe refugees have no right to work, in Britain they do, that’s why they come…

I challenge Sue Carroll to live on vouchers for one week, and see if she can carve a “better way of life” for herself. Although admittedly, it would be still better than anyone’s lifestyle in the Third World!

She writes, “the people swarming the tunnel do not look in poor health, impoverished or overwhelmed by misery.” Perhaps she should visit the Pakistani camp, from which many Afghans are fleeing and see if she could survive there, for even one week! Or stay in a Balkan village reduced to rubble by NATO?

She says, British people’s tolerance is being “stretched beyond endurance” by these “chancers.” That may well be true of her and the mindless Mirror readers she writes for, personally I welcome ALL victims of global injustice and inequality, many who are escaping from poverty, oppression, war, torture, mines and starvation, otherwise they would prefer to remain in the country of their birth, rather than be detained in a UK prison cell.

Sue Carroll claims genuine refugees like Africans are welcome here(?) Many Nigerian, Sierra Leonian and Congolese women and girls, the victims of rape, abuse and bereavement have their applications rejected. More alarmingly an unknown number of child refugees disappear from social services care, which the police conclude have been taken by traffickers for prostitution, forced labour and crime, worth an estimated $7 billion globally. Many get no refugee status and by the time they reach eighteen years, are deported.

A Sri Lankan boy, Kannan, aged twelve, whose mother was shot, sister was raped then shot, baby sister was strangled and father was blown up in a truck by Tamil Tigers, is typical of the orphaned children arriving in Britain. The odds are so stacked against them, that their pride, determination and dignity is impressive, they want to study and feel included, yet according to the Refugee Council, 1,400 asylum-seeking youngsters have no school places.

Unfortunately however, Sue Carroll’s tawdry tabloid journalism will have the desired effect and create a backlash, with children like Kannan becoming the target for racial abuse. So, they next time a Kurd is stabbed in Sitehill, or an Asian’s house is fire-bombed, the Daily Mirror can take full credit.

Sister of Mercy


Hide the following 7 comments

pulling the wool

06.09.2001 11:06

I must say the media have done a splendid job of pulling the wool over people's eyes. There is zero discussion of the fact we have renegged our obligations to refugees. There is no discussion about why there are so many asylumn seekers. Even if the majority were "economic" then we should be asking why feel obliged to uproot and leave their lives behind? What is wrong with global ecomonics and the distribution of wealth?

All we get is the same old lies German media / politicans trotted out ten years ago, inciting racial hatred and vioelnce ( even murder )


mail e-mail: spam@spam.spam

Wouldn't it be just great......

06.09.2001 16:22

......if we could take in a few more third world asylum seekers and export the hordes of semi literates who make up the British gutter press?

Can we start a campaign along the lines of " Out with rubbishy riters, in with the refugees"


bobby brown

06.09.2001 16:39

probably best to spell 'writers' properly in that case. or was it a subtle joke?



06.09.2001 23:21

probably best to oust the riters (the perpetuators of rites), the royal family, the aristocrats and the house of lords, the religious 'leaders', the masons and their associated organisations,the politicians,the desquamating blair.tip em all into a hat.

dwight heet

Rite on!

06.09.2001 23:53

Couldn't we swop a few asylum seekers for some of the racist riff-raff? If I had my way we would stick some of these little England racist twerps on a slow boat to some uninhabited island somewhere--where hopefully they will all scapegoat each other and kill each other off. We could start with the whole of Tory party.

Dream on...

mail e-mail:

Zero tolerance

07.09.2001 08:55

When military police starting shooting refugees with tasers or the armed forces shoot to kill at the border, I hope Sue Carroll remembers it was her brainchild.


False Scribes

07.09.2001 09:53

Isaiah 10:1 Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression,
Isaiah 10:2 to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey!
Isaiah 10:3 What will you do on the day of punishment, in the storm which will come from afar? To whom will you flee for help, and where will you leave your wealth?
Isaiah 10:4 Nothing remains but to crouch among the prisoners or fall among the slain. For all this YAHWEH's anger is not turned away and YAHWEH's hand is stretched out still.
