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Wu Ming | 02.09.2001 08:06

We, the National Revolutionaries of the European Liberation Front (ELF), ask you to help us build a new society and encourage the more conscientious people to denounce Bilderberg for what it is. No matter where you are or what your means are, globalisation must be fought globally. Let us drag the oligarchs out onto the streets and make them
answer for their actions.

Wu Ming
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Hide the following 14 comments

Fuck these Nazi organizations

02.09.2001 09:20

Nazis not welcome in the anti-capitalist movement.


No more ideology!!

02.09.2001 09:40

I thought the whole point of the anti-capitalist 'movement' was to break free of dogma (especially 'nationalist') and to learn to think for ourselves. Isn't the unique part of the 'movement' the fact that it is NOT a rank-and-file movement, but a form of co-operation between very different people? We do not need "liason committees", "flags" or "stations". We do not need more bureaucracies. We especially do not need more jaded reruns of anarchist vs. Bolshevik "but it was all your fault back in Kronstadt" slagging matches. While Bilderberg is a typical shadowy organisation we should get our teeth into, I'll be damned if I have to represent, or be represented by some 'movement' to do so.

mail e-mail:

bad choice of articles....

02.09.2001 11:01

I think "wu-ming" posted this without checking it out properley. Or it is a warning. Anyway, we must be vigilant about "National Bolsheviks" such as National Revolutionary Faction. According to their website they had people at mayday. They call themselves anti-globalists, and they are, but they are FASCIST. The dubious thing is that on many of their sites they feature pictures of Che and texts by Lenin (no suprise there!)- DONT BE FOOLED.

However, the Left should check out Bilderburg alongside WEF, Trilateral Commission etc. These power-elite forums are where the decisions are made.


IMC please remove this text

02.09.2001 11:13

Dear IMC people

I think it would be best if you removed this text from the site. I had it by e-mail before, it having easily fooled several people who should know better already.

It also does that useful (to the authorities) thing of tarring anyone interested in Bilderberg etc with the Nazi brush.

I think we're all best off just losing text like this, and maybe sending out a warning to people to be aware of the Nazi attempt to get a handle on this movement and the names under which they are doing it.

and we thought the SWP were bad!


Wipe out this site

02.09.2001 11:52

The site promotes Combat 18, the racist terror group. It appears that even Nazi leader Griffin is a target for these nutters. Come on, IMC, wipe out this text.

Daniel Brett
mail e-mail:

remove this shit!

02.09.2001 12:07

From their site:

"ON Friday 18th June 1999, National Revolutionary cadres from the NRF's main London cell joined over 4,000 mainly Anarchist protestors on the Reclaim The Streets demonstration against world debt, Capitalism and the banking industry in the City of London. Using the large gathering as a smokescreen for a series of more direct and up-front activities, we joined several hundred other anti-Establishment demonstrators in attacking key Capitalist shops and businesses."

Sounds fair enough....BUT:

" must be said that the only credible force for genuine change in the British Isles lies with the National Revolutionary Faction (NRF). For many years and in various guises we have sought to promote concepts such as political and economic decentralisation, home education, racial separatism and pan-European collaboration."

I'm "wu ming" posted this in good faith. The way it is written sounds like any anti-glob text.

HOWEVER, any group that promotes RACIAL SEGREGATION does not deserve a place in the movement.



Strasserites I assume

02.09.2001 12:51

I assume Wu Ming stuck this up as further eveidence of neo-nazi infiltration into the "anti-capitalist movement", anyways this is very different from State "infiltration", or infiltration as sabotage. Can people explain to me exactly what the problem with the likes of these turning up at "anti-globalisation" protests is?

Free Earth
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article exists .

02.09.2001 13:14

it is strange to me how the word facist is bandied about.
If a person puts up an article that is his opinion then he or she is open to criticism. That's fine, you make a stupid or incorrect statement and get slagged of off for your views.

But when someone publishes an article that already exists on the net without altering or editing anything the situation is a bit different. anyone who reads the article and is interested to see where it came from is free to do so, the link being part of the article. if the person who publishes the article does'nt state that he entirely agrees with the contents, it's fair to assume that he doesn't.

Perhaps the publisher is just turning people onto the fact that the article exists, then it's upto the individual to decide.
It would appear that most of the organisations listed are indeed , right wing . But the person who wrote the article is anti Bilderberg , or is he ? why did he write the article and what does it mean ? ..
There doesn't seem to be one comment concerning the implications of this call to arms, and why it was written.
People who right about Bilderberg have always been called fascists that's not new, is Troy Southgate a fascist ?
I have no idea, but does it really matter ?

To find out what the right wing media is saying, it is necessary to buy right wing newspapers , I have piles of them
does that make me fascist ???

i'll continue to put up articles from anywhere i please, I will copy the links to the articles so that anyone who is interested can see where they are on the net, it's important to know what the other side are saying, even if it seems that
there is very little interest. Indymedia must be open to comments even from fascists otherwise it is subject to a form of censorship.

But let's not miss the point, what to do about Bilderberg.
I didn't hear anything positive from anyone as yet !


luther blissett


02.09.2001 13:23

These groups are both anticapitalist and antiglobalisation. We cant stop them coming on anticapitalist demos. What we can do is make sure everyone is aware of their presence. They should be confronted and their ideas challenged. This poses an interesting one for the SWP who say they support national liberation movements.


Troy Southgate

02.09.2001 13:31

According to "Anti-Semitism Worldwide 19978/9 - United Kingdom" he is.


why ?

02.09.2001 13:49

1) this page was posted on may 21 two months before genova.
on this site

2) the writer has clearly been studying Bilderberg, or someone has briefed him. anyway let's say he is well informed.

3) The article would appear to be extremely anti capitalist

4) the article does not mention race or colour of skin or in fact race related actions or incidents.

5) It is in no way offensive to anyone except the bilderbergers .

the website is extremely fascist.. granted that .

7) as some of you might have noticed there are a list of right wing groups, including three at the same address in genova .

8) It has been 'officially revealed that members right wing groups, numbering 600, were in genova during the G8 summit and collaberated with the police .

9) So were the groups listed on the oh so offensive mail
involved in the ready to serve media managed images that the
G8 need so badly from genova ?

10) what are a bunch of right wing 'fascists' doing issueing anti G8 propaganda in what was effectively the run up to genova, at the time when the media was billing the summit as the biggest fight since, and scraping the bottom of the barrel for any shit on, eg the white overalls .

perhaps these people really are anti capitalist / Bilderberge

i would be interested to hear some serious comments ?


thats the point...

02.09.2001 14:31

Thats the point though, they are anticapitalist/antiglobalisation/anti-Bilderburg and anti any other form of global governance. They are anti-imperialist, support the palestinians, against the war in FR Yugoslavia etc etc.

In these respects they sound like many people in the movement.

However, they are extreme nationalists, have links with known fascist groups and, although this text does not suggest so, Troy Southgate has written texts and been involved in incidents that many would consider antisemitic.
To be involved in these groups you have to be white and European and be striving for a racially segregated "Nation".


why remove this shit?

02.09.2001 22:42

have people reading these postings no discernment? are we all gullible enough to swallow information wholesale and be subliminally turned in to a fascist vanguard, or can we pick and mix? the right wing crowd might have done some research and have something to tell us, even if we consider that their ambitions are to supplant, say, the bilderburger crowd with their own people.who could tell the difference anyway? we think that we and sun readers and mail readers are so susceptible to right wing dogma that it cant be allowed to be shown, even if in some small part it agrees with our own perceptions. we're against this kind of control arent we?

dwight heet

covert operations in genova

02.09.2001 23:32

It’s quite simply a matter of adding two and two together and making it 3 : 1

Most of these points are facts but lets call them assumptions .

1) It’s pretty obvious that the security forces will have been engaged in some covert activities in the run up to genova.. hope everyone agrees on that .

2) Without pratting about too much , their main objective was to discredit the Anti capitalist movement .

3) Their main requirement was , full on violence and some choice images of this violence for their media channels.

4) But could they be sure that there would be violence ? most of the groups were declaring themselves anti violence / pacifists, in the weeks before the summit

5) They couldn’t be sure that the anti global possee would deliver the goods so they had to bus in some violent types, what better than right wing groups who they could train and control ??

6) the latest reports confirm that a group of at least 600 extreme right wing activists were present in genova. the violence went off and the images were beamed all round the world .

7) in my local bar, no one knows much about the G8 Genova , one thing they all know 4 sure is that the Black Bloc caused all the trouble and that the black bloc are part of the anti global movement , it would appear that everything went to plan on that front.

8) Any one who went to genova and took part in saturdays demo knows that something horrible went down. We are not talking about crowd control we’re talking about a military style operation to cut the march into three , those who were not running for their lives were left standing around wondering what the fuck to do.
Some people fought back, but in general it was a massacre.
Mean time a small and very well coordinated group posed for the camera’s smashe up private property and gave the police an excuse(not needed) to batter the shite out of peacefull demonstraters. more or less waht they had done on friday.

9) At this point we can only guess as to how and when the secret services organized their operation , but I think that it is fair to say that two months before genova they would have been busy getting their shit together . The article by Troy southgate appeared on May 21 2001 , (according to the page info) exactly two months before genova.

10) It would give the right wing groups a reason to take part in anti global demo’s, in sweden and subsequenty genova , they claim to be anti capitalist, and it is said that the authorities in Rome knew that they would be coming a month before , the summit.

11) The secret services would therefore kill two birds with one stone .
a) they give a reason for right wing “anti capitalists” to be in Genova .
b) they add weight to the Myth that anyone who criticises Bilderberg is a fascist right wing extremist.

12) Most of the points are assumptions , but they could all be proved one way or another. Is Troy Southgate has connections with some branch of the intelligence service MI5
CIA whatever , ??

3) If there was an infiltration of right wing nasties they would have more than likely hooked up with right wing groups in genova. Some one had to provide accomodation ect .

14) the three groups listed from genova were ;
* Movimiento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore, via XX settembre 13/ 3, 16212 Genova, Italia.
* Idee en Movimento, via XX settembre 13/3, 16212 Genova,
* Avanguardia Giovanile, via XX settembre 13/3, 16212 Genova, Italia.

15) Instead of heading of blindly to the next march wether it is Napoli / brighton , brussels or whatever, and find ourselves being used for target practise by a bunch of
robo cops, it would be smart to check out what the other side is planning even if that means checking out fascist sites and taking an interest in what they are saying .
People need to be informed as to which right wing groups are likely to turn up at anti global demonstrations.

right wing groups were active in genova, the authorities did know about them but did nothing, it’s quite common for extreme right wing groups to have connections with the intelligence services .

were the ELF in genova in some form or other, ? if so were they the mysterious group that seemed to be working with the italian police.

we need to know more about who was involved in oragnizing the covert operation in genova and also what sort of scams they are intending to pull at future demo’s .

Brooke Bond