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Sighthill The Way Forward - Unity Against Racism & Poverty

NCADC | 22.08.2001 18:33

Following the recent tragic events in Sighthill, Glasgow, with one asylum seeker Firsat Dag killed, others attacked, inflammatory media coverage, and a demand for resources ignored by the Council, the people of Sighthill tenants, asylum seekers and refugees, have come together to organise a march this Saturday.

Sighthill The Way Forward - Unity Against Racism & Poverty
Assemble, 11am
Saturday 25th August 2001 
Huntingdon Square

Following the recent tragic events in Sighthill, Glasgow, with one asylum seeker Firsat Dag killed, others attacked, inflammatory media coverage, and a demand for resources ignored by the Council, the people of Sighthill tenants, asylum seekers and refugees, have come together to organise a march this Saturday.

Tenants, asylum seekers and refugees, disappointed by council's response to the eight points raised below will demand that the council take action on these points.

Sighthill the Way Forward, by the People of Sighthill

We the people of Sighthill, Scotish nationals, asylum seekers and refugees, demand of Glasgow City Council.

* A drop in centre to accommodate all residents and staffed with professionals to deal with all aspects of living in Sighthill. Welfare rights - Translators - health and legal advice.

* Set lower rents so that residents can afford to work

* Local adult education facilities with child care provision on site.

* Adequate facilities for the elderly and youth of Sighthill.

* Affordable and flexible access to schools in the area for community groups.

* Permanent maintenance of policing levels as they are now.

* A stronger stance on unsociable tenants.

* The right to be listened to and consulted with before decisions are made for the area.


The demonstration will leave Huntingdon Square at 12.00pm and march to Glasgow City Council Chambers.


Messages of support to the people of Sighthill:
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One Aim, One Goal, One Destiny

23.08.2001 19:33

Glasgow Tourist Board welomes you to Sighthill, share in the misery, poverty, anti-social housing, urban decay, neglect, drugs and unemployment. Sighthill, where all are equal, because all are refugees of capitalism and globalisation.

The plan to incite race hatred in Glasgow has backfired. It has united the whole community, who share the common plight, of disempowerment. Take back the power, govern your own lives and communities, where politics are failing.
