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Write to Euan Blair!!!

Richard Smith | 21.08.2001 21:02

Idea for a new campaign.
Write letters to Euan Blair and try to "convert him to the cause". We'll make an anticapitalist out of that lad!

Why not? It wouldn't do any harm.
Tony Blair freely admits that everything he knows about the internet he's learnt from his kids. Astute listeners will also be aware that Tony seems to be increasingly picking up an Estuary accent from somewhere or other.

Write to Euan. Tell him all about the IMF and the World Bank and the WTO and the Asian Development Bank and Henry Kissinger and American Express and Goldman Sachs and General Suharto and General Pinochet and Depleted Uranium and the CIA and the Ilisu Dam and GATS and Monsanto and George W Bush and Kurdistan and East Timor and the Private Finance Initiative and the gap between the rich and the poor, and Nike and Gap and Adidas, and the coffee trade, and Nestle and "flexible labour supplies" and the Skye Toll Bridge and modern farming practises and Seatle and May Day and the arms trade and "Ethical Foreign Policy". Tell him the whole story.
Or whatever..

Everyone write to Euan Blair!

Isn't that a really original and creative idea? :-)

Richard Smith


Hide the following 8 comments

You fool

22.08.2001 02:11

Euan's already on our side. Don't blow his cover by drawing attention to him!

mail e-mail:

Very funny, but...

22.08.2001 13:26

Not wishing to spoil your joke, but on a serious level, its young poor and oppressed people you should be appealing to; unemployed, those stuck in MacDonalds, black, white, encarcerated on housing estates with bigotted idiotic parents. Go to the youth centres and clubs; take to the streets of the inner cities; give out the IMC address . Dont worry about Euan; he'll get by...


to repeat myself

22.08.2001 13:37

please bear with me; my comment doesnt seem to have got through. modern technology, huh ?

as i was saying, its a good joke to enlist Euan, but in actual life it's the young poor oppressed and alienated people, black and white, we should be appealing to. stuck on housing estates or stupid small towns with bigotted, idiotic parents and rotten, conspiratorial teachers, with a local Labour party ready to step in and block them if they take the initiative. Radicals ! go to the youth centres ! take to the streets ! tell them about IMC and the latest events. in the USA in the 1960s, The SDS [#] would storm the Drive-in Movie shows and read out agit-prop. Do the same. Tell the dispossessed ! Dont worry about Euan; He'll get by !

[#] Fun competition 1:Do you know what "SDS" stands for ?
2:The underground name it took later ?


to repeat myself

22.08.2001 13:39

please bear with me; my comment doesnt seem to have got through. modern technology, huh ?

as i was saying, its a good joke to enlist Euan, but in actual life it's the young poor oppressed and alienated people, black and white, we should be appealing to. stuck on housing estates or stupid small towns with bigotted, idiotic parents and rotten, conspiratorial teachers, with a local Labour party ready to step in and block them if they take the initiative. Radicals ! go to the youth centres ! take to the streets ! tell them about IMC and the latest events. in the USA in the 1960s, The SDS [#] would storm the Drive-in Movie shows and read out agit-prop. Do the same. Tell the dispossessed ! Dont worry about Euan; He'll get by !

[#] Fun competition 1:Do you know what "SDS" stands for ?
2:The underground name it took later ?


Neighbourhood Watch

22.08.2001 15:32

If Euan Blair lived in an Islington housing estate, in his father’s constituency, he would feel first hand the effects of New Labour’s policies. Children’s play areas are run down and badly maintained, youth clubs and nurserys are shut from underfunding.

First class teachers leave inner-city schools in droves because they can’t afford to rent or buy accomodation and the schools are being privatised for profit.

Innocent children are being branded as ‘anti-social’ delinquents for playing, what were formerly known as ‘games,’ and reported to the council or police. Balls, bikes, climbing, are all illegal and they are watched 24 hours a day, by CCTV.

Government, in collusion with press, racist propaganda has hit home and the youngsters are emmulating the KKK and NF, randomly attacking anyone ‘foreign’ looking.

School students haven’t a hope in hell of finding genuine employment, only mock ‘job-seekers’ schemes. Their parents are unemployed or underpriviledged and what most kids, like Euan, take for granted, like holidays in France or trips to Alton Towers are unaffordable luxuries for the ‘working’ classes.

With a dad like Tony, Euan Blair will have a very prejudiced view of reality.

Eye in the Sky


22.08.2001 18:41

i think its a great idea to concentrate efforts on euan blair. im mean every one (who bothers to take the slightest intrest) knows that the government in this country is becoming more like in the U.S in the way that its practically a 'selective monarchy'. by that i mean the political elite has become SO narrow that the mainstream choice for leaders is between a few families! think how prominant the reagan's, kennedy's and the ever loveable bush's still are!!! chelsea clinton first women president? a blair in downing street in 20 years? wouldn't at all suprise me.
oh and by the way i've heared euan blair is already a greenie. so working the corporations raping our planet angle wouldnt be a bad idea.

euan (not blair)

I think it's a good idea. :-)

22.08.2001 19:48

I think it's a good idea.

If we can get Euan on our side then he'll put pressure on his Dad. Obviously Euan has no official power but let's face it he's a hell of a lot more influential than most 17 year olds or however old he is.

As for the housing estates, tell him about those.

I'm sure he does have a prejudiced view of reality but we must help him challenge that view. Now his prejudiced view has come from two things a) growing up in a very well off family and b) being the prime minister's son. b) will have had quite a serious effect but don't forget that most kids his age actually have an incredibly strong urge to rebel against their parents. Let's help him do that by giving him some serious ammunition.

As for spreading the word to er... all those less privaleged people mentioned above, yeah do that as well!


revolutionary trainspotter quiz

23.08.2001 16:45

I think SDS stood for Students for a Democratic Society? dunno it's subsequent name tho
