Swedish and Uruguayan youngsters tortured and imprisoned.
Ruben | 20.08.2001 00:41
Swedish and Uruguayan youngsters tortured and imprisoned. We need your help
to get their freedom back immediately.
to get their freedom back immediately.
CyberActivism for the youngsters. URGENT!
Swedish and Uruguayan youngsters tortured and imprisoned. We need your help
to get their freedom back immediately.
If you\'d like more information about this case, you can visit our Web Site
exclusively dedicated to it.

The judgment situation of the Swedish and Uruguayan youngsters imprisoned
for almost 2 years in Uruguay may possibly change for good.
We have to act now, cause if we don\'t, if we loose this opportunity, who
knows if we\'ll have another shot for the next six years they have left in
It is a simple matter. Very simple.
The Case is at the Appeal Tribunal of the Supreme Court of Justice. The three Judges that have this Case did not agree on what to do with it, so they\'ll have to call a fourth judge to define the situation.
What we have to do is very simple.
Put International pressure.
Show them that the youngsters are not alone.
Demonstrate that in Uruguay as well as in many other places all over the
world, we know everything that\'s happening with Uruguayan justice, jails and
police stations and with what\'s supposed to be Uruguayan \"Democracy\".
We have to send e-mails, faxes, and letters, even make a phone call for them
to realize that we won\'t shut up.
That we won\'t let them torture, imprison and do whatever they\'d like with
four boys like your younger brother, your son, your grandson or just like
you and me.
We all can do something for them.
Somehow, worldwide actions put pressure inside the Court.
Supreme Court of Justice (Suprema Corte de Justicia)
E mail:

We have to let them know that this won\'t just be a silent issue.
That if one of these days cops decide to point you out and say \"There they
are\", and from that day on, for more than 7 years, you won\'t be able to wake
up with nothing but insults and attacks; that from that moment you\'ll have
to spend endless hours in a small cell; that that very same night you lose
your left ear capacity (like it happened to Miguel, who refused to kneel
down when a cop asked him to).
What else do they have to bare?
Adolescence is one of the nicest stages of our lives but I don\'t believe
they\'ll remember it as you and me.
Please, we need your help.
They are imprisoned at COMCAR and \"LIBERTAD\" prisons, and they are deeply
thankful for all our help.
Send an e-mail NOW to the Supreme Court of Justice in Uruguay.
At the end of this message you\'ll find a letter, use it as a model or write
your own letter. DO IT NOW! Don\'t leave it for tomorrow, it might be too
late. Maybe tomorrow the judges decide something against them again.
Check our Web Site and you\'ll find many other things to do!

Here\'s the model letter, send it now! Don\'t wait any longer!
At the beginning and at the end of it you\'ll see some blanks, fill them in with
the further information (date, name, city and country).
Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia,
Dr. Milton Cairoli

Address: Pasaje de los Derechos Humanos 1310 - Montevideo - Uruguay
Tel.: ( ++598 ) ( 2 ) 900 10 41 / Int.134 (Presidency) Hours: 1PM - 4PM (Urug. Time: -0300 GMT)
Fax.: ( ++598 ) ( 2 ) 902 35 49
Date: ________________
Country: ________________
Dear President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Mr. Milton Cairoli:
In this letter I hope to inform the Supreme Court of Justice of Uruguay
about my deeply preoccupation for the disgusting situation that Alexander
Montero and Alexis Tourné as well as Gerardo Gimenez and Miguel Gimenez
(both Swedish citizens) are going through.
We are aware and absolutely conscious of what exactly is happening in
Uruguay with this Case, better known as \"The Swedish and Uruguayan
Youngsters\' Case\".
I understand that they\'ve been imprisoned, tortured, humiliated, and forced
to sign a declaration without even reading it, being this declaration what
Judge William Corujo used to sentence them for longer than 7 years, legalizing this way
torture in a state that is supposed to be democratic.
There are not irrefutable prooves to condemn this young boys for longer than 7
years of arrest \"with benefits\" - as it is said in the sentence - because of
the following attenuates: confession and relative prime and minority; but we
know that even if the robberies they are condemn for were proved, the
punishment should have been around 5 years of arrest, like in most of other cases.
These youngsters were doing social work and the only crime they made was
trying to help Uruguayan youth to find a way out of the misery and
poverty they are living in.
We also know that Police specially tortured Gerardo Gimenez and Miguel
Gimenez just for being \"GRINGOS\" (foreigners) and for being sons of political exiled
people from the Uruguayan dictatorship. As a consequence of this torture -on
the first night they were arrested- Miguel Gimenez suffers an incurable
hearing problem; a policeman flattened his head against the floor. Medical
reports didn NOT mention this problem, plus, his ear was not even looked into.
Having awareness of this Case and knowing that it is at the Appeal Court
we demand this Institution to intercede in order to obtain the immediate
freedom and the nullification of the illogical charges they are blamed for.
Name: __________________
ID Number (optional): _______________________
City and Country: ________________
If you choose to send an email, please, send a copy to the International Commission for the
Freedom of the Youngsters -, including our email address (

Thank you for your time and for being interested;
and please, forward this message to all your contacts of your contact list.
International Comision for the Freedom of the Swedish and Uruguayan Youngsters
Editorial Team for the Youngsters
Our we site:

E-mail :

Tel. 094 30 14 23
E-mail :

[Argentina] <--We speak English
E-mail :

[Editorial Team] <--We speak English

PS: Miguel, Gerardo, Alexis and Alexander our very thankful with your help.