genoaResistance starts People's Tribunal investigation
genoaResistance | 19.08.2001 21:01
genoaResistance calls for People's Tribunal to investigate events in Genoa during October 20-21 Mobilization. Nominations for civilian judges now being taken
GenoaResistance calls for a People's Tribunal to look into the events of July 16 to 26 in Genoa, Italy.
GenoaResistance is starting to put together a People's Tribunal to take place on the weekend of October 19 to 21 to coincide with it's Mobilization in Genoa on the same weekend. We are now looking for nominations for our panel of civilian judges and volunteers interested in working on collecting and organizing testimony and evidence and also on helping with the logistics of the Tribunal.
For the guidlines on nominations for judges to the People's Tribunal see Guidelines for Nominations
For the objectives of the People's Tribunal see Objectives of the People's Tribunal
For skills we are looking for in volunteers, see Volunteers
For more information email

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