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300 see Injustice film

Sandy | 17.08.2001 20:24

Justice campaign shows film that the cops don't want you to see.

300 see Injustice film
300 see Injustice film

300 mainly local people turned out to watch the film Injustice at an event
called by the Roger Sylvester Campaign. Notice of the screening had only
gone out two days before!
Eight officers from Tottenham police station arrested Roger outside his home
in north London. He died from multiple injuries seven days later. The eight
officers when investigated all gave interviews at which the stated that they
had "No Comment" to make. Subsequently the Crown Prosecution Service
although admitting that Rogers detention was unlawful, decided that there
will be no prosecutions in the case. Rogers's family are challenging this
decision and are seeking a judicial review.
The film Injustice documents this and highlights the cases of the many,
mostly black, men, who have died in police custody. So far, no police
officer has been held to account for any of these deaths.
Lawyers acting for the Police Federation are trying to ensure that the film
is not shown by threatening legal action against cinemas and many screenings
have had to be moved to other venues.
Rogers's family along with the United Families and Friends Campaign have
called a picket of the solicitors who are issuing the legal notices.

Thursday 23 August 12.00 - 2.00 pm
Russell Jones and Walker Solicitors
60-66 Gray's Inn Road
London, WC1X

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re rjw

23.08.2001 15:40

btw solicitors RJW do a LOT of work with trade union groups...
