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Amy and the Dragon

Brian Routh | 17.08.2001 00:07


On KPFA this morning on the show that replaced democracy now, a listener called in and suggested sending money to KPFA instead of the corporation in order to fund democracy now. Sounds good to me. In the 60s in Britain I remember it being very exciting with the pirate stations operating from abandoned oil rigs in the north sea. I think that this public radio corporation has become another monster amongst monsters. Just like the BBC in the 60s, have no more of it! Get it going outside of it. Piggyback the signal. Do anything to get around all this hupla! and drama! We need to hear it, so get it out anyway you can. All the power struggles within the corporate world are never going to go away or improve. So, screw 'em. Work outside of their confines, rules and petty power trips. We are not going to change them, ever. So, let's work without them. Put the word out without all the drama of who did what to whom and why, in corporate public radio land. Forget about your paychecks if you have to. In order to carry on with my own free voice as an artist (I was on Jessie Helms'hit list throughout the 80s and 90s) I can't afford to expect to be paid. I just have to make art and do whatever it takes to survive and whether that is fair or unfair doesn't enter into it. I've been doing it along time and will continue for as long as there is breath in this body. And something to say. So,let's move on now!

Brian Routh
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17.08.2001 11:14

So are you saying that Amy shouldn't bother standing up to Utrice Leid? Shouldn't bother defending the truth about East Timor when Leid keeps on saying 'It never happened'?

C'mon - sidestepping this kind of tactic is not an option, except for characters like Nick Griffin...

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Smell the coffee

17.08.2001 15:21

I'm saying wake up and smell the coffee..
Fighting with these people is going to go nowhere and has been going nowhere for some years now. Carry on reporting what needs to be addressed but not hrough the corporate filters of PUBLIC radio. In your country the BBC is the Monster that blocks freedom of speech as well as your newspapers. You don't even have one newspaper telling the truth. Public radio in this country is mainly for old fogies from my generation and above and it is not getting any better. The radio survives on donations and when you listen to the rubbish being dished out you know it's not being spent on anything cutting edge. Democracy now was the exception and will continue to be ousted because this country is rushing at break neck speed to the right. With people like Bush and Jessie Helms at the controls it is only going to get worse. I just believe that we need to strengthen our alternative to the rulers. Our own scene and FUCK all the corporate gameplayers.

Brian Routh
mail e-mail: brianrouth@monitor.met

The Dragon strikes back

20.08.2001 01:40

People will blind you with science,names,reasons,why and so on to convince us that these corporate robots can be persuaded to do our bidding. Well! I say that as long as we operate on their frequency we will be like them. We will vibrate on the same low vibration as them. We either have to communicate as obi ben canobi. which is practically impossible without learning how to pull it off. Or turn our backs on these insults to the human organism and create our own world. Our own media. Our own press. Our own ideals. And I know that to some degree that's exactly what some of us are doing. Non-violent protests in massive numbers. Sit-down strikes. There is no way to change this world through violence. It's already been changed through violence. For the worse. Be yourself at all times and don't shrink into holes where you can't fit, in order to make others feel comfortable ( as mandela put it).

Brian Routh
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