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Bomb the press

Someone else | 15.08.2001 22:16

Corporate media legitimate targets

The race hate campaign by the Daily Mail and the Express is marks these fascist tabloids out as legitimate targets in a defence of freedom. Their hate-mongering against asylum seekers and refugees is leading to attacks on vulnerable minorities. If there is ever an obligation by the revolutionary left to liquidate fascists, it is now. The NUJ and event the police have condemned the current hate campaign. We should strike these newspapers off the face of the earth. We should learn the tactics of the HLS activists and make journalists bleed for following the xenophobic line of their editors. There can be no tolerance of fascists, whether they are skinheads on the streets or suits in skyscrapers.

Someone else


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Please read your post again, think it through

16.08.2001 13:59

Possibility (a), which I believe, you are genuinely upset about the behaviour of the press. Many of us share elements of your disquiet. But the means you propose to remedy the wrong is both ineffective and evil. Such a course of action would result in the death or injury of many innocent people and would do little to stem the tide of hatred. Anyone who works in journalism for a long time in the UK will have friends who for one reason or another worked in or for the Mail or Express for some period of their lives

Possibility (b), you are someone who wishes to discredit Indymedia, and to ensure that this site, and the important information it provides is ignored by the mainstream media.

Peace and love



sounds like a cop troll, or just foolish

16.08.2001 14:45

seen it before - post threat style notice on a site like imc - couple of days later the feds will bash down the door at some imc centre and put a gagging order on everyone, then try to get ip logs (your electronic identity, which may trace you back to your home or work computer address) but not just the posters, but the logs for everyone.

4 points.

this is not news which the imc "news"wire is for.

your analysis of the role of *some* sections of the corporate media is correct (others working in corporate media are ok).

when fighting the fascists the most effective method is to work together with all our communities to foster understanding and make their hate position unworkable - to create a culture where peoples frustrations are not taken out on the weakest scapegoat sections of society, but are instead addressed at the root problems.

people can only win against fascists if they are united in building the society / future they want, this is not one based on violence - by all means 'target' these sections of the corporate media, but through action which is both inline with the future we want, and which can reveal their true agenda. fascism? or is it the capitalism of selling papers which panders to peoples fears? same thing perhaps? c'mon, on this issue there is enough support out there from all sections of society - the ties with corporate media and big business is well enough documented - use it to inform people, only through this can people become empowered to make their own assessments - you are not alone in being outraged by papers like the daily mail, but together we can overcome - not saying it's not hard work, but it's all part of building a caring sustainable future.


Some questions

16.08.2001 15:44

I can empathise with someone who feels like kicking the shit out of fascists, although I'm too cowardly to do it myself. I can also understand his/her point that there should be no distinction between the race hate of the BNP and the Daily Mail. In fact, the corporate press have gone further than Nick Griffin in terms of the language they employ. However, I doubt whether killing them will stop them and could actually give them the moral highground, although I'd never mourn the death of a fascist. Could there ever be a case for non-violent direct action against these newspapers?

On another point, I note that the previous two posters have raised suspicions that the original post came from a 'cop troll'. There is generally a condemnation of the original poster for raising the notion of using hardline tactics against fascists, whoever they are. This is coupled with the accusation that the IMC will be discredited if people post these opinions here. Does this mean that people have to engage in self-censorship when posting to the IMC? Are we prepared to condemn people to silence when they raise the issue of tactics if they are deemed too violent? What does that make us and what does this say about the IMC?

Let's face it, the police don't need an excuse to raid IMC and they've done it in the past without giving a reason. People like us are not protected in the same way as those who suck up to the violent state because we reject the entire system. We saw the way they got away with state terrorism in Gothenburg and Genoa. So posts like this don't make a difference. I'm convinced the police have some file on me somewhere where they've logged whatever I've done or said, even though I have no criminal record.

And who wants to impress the corporate media anyway?

Dan Brett
mail e-mail:

More than a slap on the wrist.

16.08.2001 17:32

Call me cynical, but this smacks of sabotage to me. I accept the possibility that this is a genuine post from a concerned citizen, but it is a small possibility. The internet has come to a point where the state will start to try and take some control. A post like this is a perfect way of showing us disobedients up for what we are.. a bunch of derranged loonies who only want to blow things up.

This is exactly the type of post the press love to get their hands on and no one here should doubt the intent of all mainstream newspapers to discredit us and mould the movement into a more managable form.

It is also an ideal excuse to raid the IMC offices every few days, sift through all the pictures, articles and videos, intimidate people who work there or even post and ultimately close the place down as often as possible, if not permanently.

Make no doubt about it, the mass censorship of the internet is coming, and i'm afraid IMC is a sitting duck.

mail e-mail:


16.08.2001 18:42

dan said:

'Could there ever be a case for non-violent direct action against these newspapers?'

and I say: yes, yes and yes again!

need to plot it pretty quiet tho... walls (and modems) have ears.

but I think if tied in with the increasing lack of meaningful international reporting (i.e. WHY all these people are driven out of their places, what role big business and colonial history etc have in asylum seekers' plight) this could be a campaign that really picks up on popular feeling. the sympathy is out there, and there's a real hunger for understanding, so let's tap it and stop the flow of poison from the mail etc but WITHOUT sinking to their sordid violent level.




17.08.2001 00:48

you are a crazy mother fucker, fuck off.

are a

re-Bomb the press!

17.08.2001 23:47


Brian Routh
mail e-mail:
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