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Swedish Police fraudmind and viciousness documented(video)

Göteborg, twelve rounds in the belly | 15.08.2001 18:38

Swedish police don`t shoot one time, two times or even three times.
They pull the trigger 12 times. The fire is aimed at a crowd of people who
escape the policeviolence.

Swedish police don`t shoot one time, two times or even three times.
They pull the trigger 12 times. The fire is aimed at a crowd of people who
escape the policeviolence.

The lie made by the police, which was broadcasted and distributed by
corporate media, claimed that Hannes would have thrown stones against
a policeman who was injured and lying on the ground.

That was a fucking lie, which was adopted by the vicious society
instantly, as the police spit it out. No critism what so ever from the
mainstream media.

This is the first document that kills the fraud, made up by the police
in coherency with the corporate media.

Göteborg, twelve rounds in the belly
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more videos

16.08.2001 12:53

Upptakten och skottlossningen. 16.46 min

Vittnen. 4.26 min.

Intervju - Hannes Westberg. 12.40 min.

Avslut - 2.43 min.
- This video shows how police shoots to the grow and how one protestor allmost got bullet in head
