Farming Community | 15.08.2001 11:07
March on London 20th August 2001 to present petition for a demand of a Public Enquiry and Vaccination of Animals
13.08.01March on London - following our meeting yesterday 12 August with representatives of all the FMD campaign groups in the country, to begin our direct action it has been decided to hold a protest in London on 20 August, 2001. Meeting at Hyde Park, at 1 pm and then proceeding to march to 10 Downing Street to hand in the many petitions that have been signed stating that we will only accept a full and open Public Inquiry. Farmers and general public at least have one thing in common, they must be told where taxpayers money has gone and why. The protest march will be led by Noel Edmunds, and other celebraties will also take part.
This is only the beginning, if Mr Blair still refuses to listen to the people of this country, we shall take Lord Haskins' advice and follow the example of the French farmers, which is something we do not wish to do but unfortunately with the arrogant attitude of Messrs Blair, Beckett, Whitty , Morley & Haskins, they leave us with little choice.
No doubt the spin machine is already warming up but if Mr Blair feels it is safe enough to open up footpaths, it is safe enough for us to come and walk through his backyard!
All members will be advised of arrangements re transport/coaches.times etc.,
For further details and contact numbers in your area tel 01291 690224, fax 01291 690984 Mob 0777 3920306 e mail
13.08.01March on London - following our meeting yesterday 12 August with representatives of all the FMD campaign groups in the country, to begin our direct action it has been decided to hold a protest in London on 20 August, 2001. Meeting at Hyde Park, at 1 pm and then proceeding to march to 10 Downing Street to hand in the many petitions that have been signed stating that we will only accept a full and open Public Inquiry. Farmers and general public at least have one thing in common, they must be told where taxpayers money has gone and why. The protest march will be led by Noel Edmunds, and other celebraties will also take part.
This is only the beginning, if Mr Blair still refuses to listen to the people of this country, we shall take Lord Haskins' advice and follow the example of the French farmers, which is something we do not wish to do but unfortunately with the arrogant attitude of Messrs Blair, Beckett, Whitty , Morley & Haskins, they leave us with little choice.
No doubt the spin machine is already warming up but if Mr Blair feels it is safe enough to open up footpaths, it is safe enough for us to come and walk through his backyard!
All members will be advised of arrangements re transport/coaches.times etc.,
For further details and contact numbers in your area tel 01291 690224, fax 01291 690984 Mob 0777 3920306 e mail
Farming Community
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