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SmokeyBears Cannabis website hacked

Smokey Bear | 12.08.2001 00:51

Smokey Bears Website hacked and photo of undercover police deleted.

With less than 20 hours to go before the start of a radical pro-Cannabis protest in Portsmouth, the website has been hacked. The photo gallery was tampered with by unknown sources and a blue ribbon prize goes to the first person who can guess which photo was taken out. A picture of two undercover Hampshire police officers was removed. The officers are portrayed dressed in casual tee shirts and shorts and smarmy looks (no wonder they took it out).

The two officers failed to mingle with campaigners last year and stood out like the proverbial thumb.

Smokey Webbear said " I am flattered that they are this interested in us. It shows we have got them on the ropes and we won't let the grass grow under our feet."
The terrorist bill introduced last year allows police to access websites and email without warrants. Server hosts have been forced to comply and hand passwords over without complaint.

Smokey Bear
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Terrorist Bill?

12.08.2001 07:57

Are Smokey Bears Terrorists? Is civil disobedience Terrorism? Will Herr Blair's state crumble if naughty people smoke dope on the seafront? I cannot believe that the Terrorist Bill really covers this one! Seek legal advice and find out from your ISP if anyone has approached them about your website. Oh yes, please repost the picture!
Challenge em!

Terror Bill

And make that challenge stick

12.08.2001 14:03

Even if they needed a court order presumably they could have gotten one (eg: safety of our undercover officer).

But perhaps they don't understand the true nature of this medium.

HEY FOLKS -- Who's got a mirror site available to help out the "Smokey Bears"? We need to convince "them" that they can't do this (unless they can "get to" servers in EVERY jurisdiction on this planet).

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