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GOLDMAN SACHS are scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bob perkins | 11.08.2001 16:53

This is surely cause for celebration. :-) (but NOT complacency).

Here's an article by John Pilger, taken from New Statesman.
Pilger is like a friendlier (to antiglobalisation protesters) version of Monbiot. This man is a hero!

bob perkins
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11.08.2001 16:56

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a man for our times

12.08.2001 10:29

Monbiot, Klein, Bello, etc, astute commentators yes, but John Pilger has been telling it how it is since Cambodia.he has written and campaigned on many of the most significant international issues of our times. The establishment, including most of the media hate him ,so he must be pressing the right buttons. Check out his book, Heroes, which at times rivals Orwell for sharp prose and analysis, get a copy of his recent ITV doc on Globalisation.

if we are to have spokespersons, then let it be John, invite him to speak in your cities.Write or E-mail him to encourage him to become more prominent in the movement.

by hte way , would people please respond to the contributions, they do on every other indymedia site.

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Re: please respond to the contributions

12.08.2001 12:14

Yeah, let's please have some positive feedback and let's egg eachother on. We've got to get active. I wouldn't advise anyone to do anything illegal but DO let's all step up the pace a little. We've all got to dedicate as much of our time as possible to FIGHTING GLOBAL CAPITALISM!

The point of all those exclamation marks was that if GOLDMAN SACHS - that bastion of global capitalism - Goldman Sachs for fuck's sake, KING OF THE INVESTMENT BANKS - is starting to soil it's pants a little bit then that's rather significant.

It means that we're getting somewhere. It really does. And that really is cause for celebration. Having said that, we mustn't get complacent; on the contrary, we must step up our campaign.

We need MORE protest marches, MORE lobbying of local MPs and cabinet members (why not write one letter every day! if you truly believe in the cause it's hardly too much hassle is it? :-( ) and we need to be spreading our message MUCH MORE to our co-workers, friends and families by word of mouth. We need to be TALKING TO PEOPLE a lot more.

Moreover, words are not enough. It may sound a little tough and also a bit uncool but there's no ducking this issue: I'm afraid we've got to change the way we live our lives. Ghandi said you've got to BE the change you want to see in the world. We've got to stop buying stuff from big companies, especially the most morally repugnant ones like Nike and Esso and Nestle. The more corporate brands everyone boycotts the better. We've got to eat fair trade organic food, we've got to use our cars less, um... all sorts of things really. And for all you revolutionary Marxists who think that this smacks of the R word (the other one), we do have to keep reforming the system to make it less and less bad. If a revolution does ever happen then I'll watch with interest but in the mean time we must try to change society for the better and the least we could all do is stop buying products that promote the exploitation of people and the destruction of the environment both on a global and truly horrific scale.

And last but not least, we need MORE solidarity. We've got to form links with loads of different organisations - LOOSE links, where we don't tell eachother what to do but we none the less work together for a common goal, giving eachother support and not fighting eachother. We need links between trade unions, environmental groups, third world development charities (how many people know that OXFAM is now one of the UK's leading organisations that campaigns against the WTO (in particular GATS)?), socialist political parties and so on. Everyone who is fighting this fight must communicate with eachother. We don't need any sort of hierarchy but what we do need is a loose coallition. What's more, we must not limit our linking up of the movement to this country. Organisations from all over the world must join forces in a loose non-hierarchical way.

That's about all I've got to say except that the King of the Investment banks IS scared. GS really are shitting themselves, LET'S NOT DISAPPOINT THEM!

bob perkins