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bob | 11.08.2001 14:42

Although this article may arrive with staggered lines, I bet you find it well-worth your time. I bet it even has you checking your neighbor's teeth to see what he's been eating.
"Coprophagia Rules?" (english) Saturday 07 Apr 2001
author: Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger Id=32589

This article was posted at Id=26983; and I have found it to be inaccessible since
4/4/01 when I posted a Comment. Since I have referenced it in "Supreme "Narky" of the
United States" Id=31749; I am resubmitting it here.

My Daddy said that when George Herbert Walker Bush, the lawless Jacob revealed that he had been eating
feces most of his life, that was the hidden factor that unifies all of his lawless ones. This practice is called
coprophagia, and there has been a concerted effort in the recent past to promote it as a somewhat acceptable
practice rather than as a depraved condition. When I did my internship at an institution for the moderately
retarded, I wrote: "The question is not: "Why can't Johnny read?"; but rather: "Why is Johnny's favorite activity
the digging, sniffing, smearing, and eating of his own feces?" I have since figured out that the staff was
probably fostering this practice to discourage me from pursuing a career in health care. This was obvious
because there was a prevalence of unstained hands among the clients who had begun to display coprophagic
activities while the long term coprophagists had stains on their hands that could not be washed out. The
lawless Jacob and other coprophagists in his tribe apparently avoid staining their hands via the use of plastic
gloves which they wash and carry in their pockets. Around 1990 in Washington, DC; I witnessed an increase in
public displays of coprophagia and excretions, even in the parks of downtown during rush hour. As a
consequence of my two false arrests, my abduction, and my 15 months of unlawful hospitalization (98-99), it
became clear that coprophagists were given preferential treatment and/or placed in positions of power.(Gen. 6:12
Mic. 1:5; Luke 12:2; Is. 5:18-21; 2 Peter 2:13-14; Is. 5-7)

Although there is little research on coprophagia among humans, it is evident that since the 1980s health care
was trying to portray it as an accepted abnormality rather than a symptom of dementia, even though Oxford
English Dictionary still reads: "Among demented patients in advanced stages of their illness, (coprophagia) is
not rare..." It seems like one of the trends for promoting coprophagia has been to give incontinent patients a
taste of their own feces when changing their diapers, initiating a practice that the patient will continue on his or
her own probably indefinitely. Since the lawless Jacob also revealed that the alleged doctor, the Supreme One
is also a coprophagist; I suspect that when the alleged doctor revealed to me that he had previous bouts of
amnesia, he was really describing a symptom of coprophagia. Although there is abundant research on the
effects of coprophagia among canines, it affects them little; thus I've been forced to draw my own conclusions
about the effects of coprophagia among humans. Coprophagia seems to act as an "opiate" by dulling ones
mental prowess; however the entrenched aversion and the irreversible effects of the ingestion of the bile duct
toxins of feces makes it an abomination. In addition to impairing the function of the brain, the ingestion of feces
seems to promote blindness, jaundice, reprehensible body odors, and liver and kidney failure. I have found
references associating coprophagia with Satanism, human sexuality, and the religious practice of eating the
feces of a sexually-revered person; but there is no mention of coprophagia in the modern Bible. Perhaps the
lying pen of the scribes has concealed the true nature of the sexual immorality and sacrifices of the Moabites in
Shittim in Chap. 25 of the Book of Numbers; thus was born a word that literally means feces. In spite of such
taboos, it seems like coprophagia rules. It is a sad sorry sight to behold if the professed superior knowledge of
coprophagists has prevailed over the chemically-induced stupidity of a dumbed-down America; nevertheless
these lawless ones became Israel, when they moved to destroy Israel, the Holy Nation. (Amos 6:8; Ps. 12:8; Is. 29:9-
10; Jer. 30: 12-13; Jer. 8:8; Num. 25:1-3; Rev. 2:14-15; Mal. 2:3; Lev. 19:26; Jer.11:11; Tim. 3:9-10; Titus 1:10-16;
Ps. 83:2-6; Prov. 1:18)

After four approximately 1,000 word anonymous contacts with the Defense Intelligence Agency in January, I
realized that they, like the CIA, The Secret Service, and many others, were at the beck and call of the Supreme
One; thus the military has apparently been misled to support the "Silent Murder Epidemic", which I revealed to
the DIA. After this I stumbled on Indy Media; resulting in the posting of "Modus Operandi of Lawlessness -
Update" 6:00 PM 2/22/01; "Silent Murder Epidemic - Buffalo Version" Id=24603; and "Justice New
York Style" Id=25099 on In short I revealed that of our five fallen presidents; one is
(Bill Clinton rules; probably because Secret Service mistakenly d

- e-mail: bob
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  1. This is a watse of time — Fuk Bob