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Berlusconi's bullets bounce back

Rick O' Shea | 11.08.2001 13:34

Berlusconi announces the arrival of a packet containing
a bullet, before it has official arrived at the post office.

The post genova charade continues unabated in Italy .
As predicted, a bomb went off in Venice on thursday .
Berlusconi, announces that it's a 'Strategy of tension'
(he obviously reads the Gaurdian and independent)
He also releases a statement saying that letters containing bullets were sent to various members of his government, himself included. He was a bit premature as independent media
scources are stating that the Bullets had not yet arrived at the post office where they were later found .
Surely Berlusconi and his secret service cronies must know that you can't rely on the italian post, they should in future use DHL. I'm sure they do a special rate if you want to send shit to yourself . what a cock up !!!


Rick O' Shea